MovieChat Forums > Taken (2009) Discussion > Weird that they never mention

Weird that they never mention

Amanda's parents. Wouldn't they think to tell them?


The red shirts I Star Trek had parents too that never got mentioned






I'm sure her parents were told at some point, but I don't think it was necessary to show or have that mentioned in the film.


Why would they care? She was an idiot, anyway.


She danced great in the apartment

I liked her


I just posted this on another thread on this board. That's not crucial to the story. Just him finding his daughter was the story.

Why does EVERYTHING have to happen on screen for people not to be able to assume the background routines of life occurred?

Since it didn't show anyone contacting the other parents for some that means it never happened. Why would you assume that? We know it took place, we don't have to be showed everything that happens in the whole world. We didn't see anyone pee, and poop and shower and brush their teeth and comb their hair and change underwear and put gas in their cars etc., etc. Lots of things are just assumed to happen off screen.

The other thread bemoans that the daughter didn't mourn her friend. Why? Because they didn't actually show it on screen so to them it never happened. They didn't show Liam un-cuffing the other girls in that house or calling authorities to that location to get the other girls so to them that means it never happened.

Must you be shown everything? The other parents weren't even part of the story. None of the other girls or their families were. We were shown what happened between the main characters, whatever happens with everyone else just happens off screen. I didn't see them travel from Europe to the U.S..........I know they got there though, we don't have to see everything.

Deutschland hat die Weltmeisterschaft zum vierten Mal gewonnen! 🇩🇪🇺🇸


HahA! I know, right?
