Plot hole?

Don't know if this has been asked before, but when Bryan tries to identify the traffickers at the time he's still in America, Bryan's friend/ex-partner whatever says someting like "Then they [the human traffickers] found out it was much more efficient/easy to kidnap Western tourists than Eastern European girls. This struck me as a pretty big plot hole when I first saw it, why exactly would this be more efficient? As the producers may or may not know, the economical situation in most of the Western world is much better than it is in most of the Eastern European nations, and thus, the families of Western tourists are genereally wealthier than Eastern European families, and so have much more resources on their hands to spend on trying to get their kids back / bring the perpertrators down. What do you think about this?

On the other side, what I really liked about this movie was that the producers had enough balls to show Arabs/muslims as one of the villains, as in these times of political correctness, many film producers don't dare to cross that line.


You must have missed a good chunk of the exhange. He said they used to find women from Eastern Europe and bring them over on promise as nannies or housekeepers and then they'd drug them and sell them, but they started just kidnapping vacationers because it saved on the transportation costs (from eastern Europe to France).


Ready my post again. It still makes no sense and it's still a plot hole IMO.


Because the western girls were already there on their own accord so they didn't have to pay the money to transport the Eastern European ones to where they were. I don't see how that's a plot hole. It's messed up, but it makes business sense.


Because the western girls were already there on their own accord so they didn't have to pay the money to transport the Eastern European ones to where they were. I don't see how that's a plot hole. It's messed up, but it makes business sense.

It doesn't IMO as Western tourists generally have much wealthier families than Eastern European au pair girls, and will very likely spend a lot of their money to get their children back, which again will put the traffickers under trouble. Travelling through Europe is a lot easier compared to that. If someone disagrees, he can show me a source which confirms Western tourists are more likely to get kidnapped and sold in Europe than people from Eastern Europe.


Yes wealthier but they don't all have the type of finances to manage what you're suggesting. Remember Sam tells Bryan that he had a 96 hour window. That's four days, and that was from a CIA analyst, if the CIA considered it a lost cause after four days I'm pretty sure an American family however rich they are would have no hope. In fact the only reason Bryan was even able to save her is because he knew exactly when it happened and had the full window.

And no it's not easier than that. Girls from the East have to be provided with false documentation, passports, travel visa's, work permits all of which cost money. It's the easiest thing in the world to just kidnap a girl at the airport.

Your's sincerely, General Joseph Liebgott


You're probably unaware of the current situations in the European Union. You don't need any visas or passports to travel from EU country to EU country, there are no border controls. Getting someone from Eastern Europe to France should be pretty easy.

And still waiting for that source to show that Western tourists are more likely to get kidnapped and sold to sex slavery than Eastern Europeans.


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Albania, Belarus, Moldova, Liechtenstein, Russia and Ukraine are NOT members of the EU and work visa's and passports are certainly required to gain access to member states. In fact a visa is required to enter Russia at a cost of about 900 euro, so you need to learn your facts my friend.

And secondly what source were you promised? The other poster and I are merely pointing out the logic in the movie that it's easier to kidnap EU, US and Antipodean travelers arriving in France than it is to bring Eastern European girls into the country on their own dollar.

Your's sincerely, General Joseph Liebgott


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Albania, Belarus, Moldova, Liechtenstein, Russia and Ukraine are NOT members of the EU and work visa's and passports are certainly required to gain access to member states. In fact a visa is required to enter Russia at a cost of about 900 euro, so you need to learn your facts my friend.

Did I say they were? Just show me the quote where I did claim these countries are EU members. And what does Liechtenstein have to do with this? Weren't we talking about EASTERN Europe? Or did you simply copy this list of nations from Wikipedia without even knowing where they are located on the map? It seems to me like you're the one with no idea. What an embarassing silliness to include Liechtenstein on this list. Are you aware that many Eastern European nations are EU members? Did you even visit Europe once?

Again, I will stick to my claim. Human traffickers preferring American tourists to kidnap over poor Eastern European girls because "travelling them through Europe is difficult" is absolutely ridiculous and far from reality. Again, if someone intends to convince me otherwise, he can show me a source which shows it's that way in reality.


You're probably unaware of the current situations in the European Union. You don't need any visas or passports to travel from EU country to EU country, there are no border controls. Getting someone from Eastern Europe to France should be pretty easy.
I didn't say you did, did I? You said there was 'easy' movement in Europe due to the EU, I replied with a list of non EU states, not just eastern European countries that would require all sorts of documentation.

In any case you're an obtuse idiot like a dog with a bone. I have better things to do than spoon feed someones stupidity to them. You can reply but you're ignored. BTW I'm from Europe.

Your's sincerely, General Joseph Liebgott


I didn't say you did, did I? You said there was 'easy' movement in Europe due to the EU, I replied with a list of non EU states, not just eastern European countries that would require all sorts of documentation.

Learn. to. read. I didn't say "It is easy to travel to every country in Europe", what I said was that it is easy to travel tom EU country to EU country without any passport controls. You call me an idiot for whatever reason you didn't specify yet you fail to unterstand the content of what you're replying to.

Cursing at me yet you again failed to give a source which states human traffickers prefer American tourists over poor Eastern European girls as their victims. Conclusion is you didn't contribute one thing to the topic.

One more thing: You claim you're from Europe but don't know the location of Liechtenstein on a map? Sure, buddy...


Troll, stupid or 50/50?


I'll go with 50/50. Can't he get that they didn't get girls to hold for ransom? Get them into prostitution and you can make more from then than a single ransom


I say 25/75, either that or he's one of those that have to squint their eyes when they watch movies to try and find the tiniest flaws they can to piss and moan about even if they're not exactly flaws.

It's not difficult to comprehend, the kidnappers took girls arriving in France because it was better for them as they no longer had to pay for transportation, by kidnapping girls that arrive their on their own they're cutting off the cost of an expensive plane ticket, therefor keeping money in their wallets.

Really, it takes all of thirty seconds to read that and understand it, and you my friend (not talking to the guy I'm replying to, talking to the guy who started this thread) are either slow so you should've rewound the movie and watched that part again, or you weren't old enough to watch the movie in the first place and you can't understand it because you're too young to get it, or you're just too stupid.


This X 100... Well said.


Agreed. WTH is up with the original poster.

"Number one doesn't always win." -Rafael Nadal


Really, it takes all of thirty seconds to read that and understand it, and you my friend (not talking to the guy I'm replying to, talking to the guy who started this thread) are either slow so you should've rewound the movie and watched that part again, or you weren't old enough to watch the movie in the first place and you can't understand it because you're too young to get it, or you're just too stupid.

I'm neither of the above. Just give me a real source which says Western tourists are more likely to become sex slaves than Eastern Europeans. Just give me one single source. And if you say "It's not like that in real life", I ask you: Why is it not like that in real life when it's so much easier to get Western tourists as stated in the movie?


Why should I give you a source that says Western tourists are more likely to become sex slaves than Eastern Europeans when nobody is even saying that but you?

All we're trying to get you to understand is that it was easier and cheaper for the traffickers to just get them after they've flown in so they don't have to pay for their plane tickets.

How in the hell is this so difficult for you to understand? You're not really doing a good job at proving you're A) Old enough to understand what's going on. B) Even able to understand what's going on regardless of age. Or C) Are just too stupid to understand it.


Why should I give you a source that says Western tourists are more likely to become sex slaves than Eastern Europeans when nobody is even saying that but you?

All we're trying to get you to understand is that it was easier and cheaper for the traffickers to just get them after they've flown in so they don't have to pay for their plane tickets.

How in the hell is this so difficult for you to understand? You're not really doing a good job at proving you're A) Old enough to understand what's going on. B) Even able to understand what's going on regardless of age. Or C) Are just too stupid to understand it.

Such a foolish and ridiculous explanation is just not enough to prove it for me, sorry. For example, Eastern European or European au pairs are in the country as well and do not cost any plane tickets. And who cares about plane tickets if you can just get girls from the same continent which you can easily transport to the country due to free borders and no controls.

Why do I want a source? I want a source because if the explanation given in the movie was as logical and simple as you claim it is, surely human traffickers would pick up this strategy to gain as much profit as possible with no need of "buying plane tickets". But they don't, apparently. Why not? Because if some American or Canadian girls went missing, it would generate a lot more media and public attention and put a lot more pressure on politics and police force to stop these kidnappings.

And could you please stop with these childish and laughable accusations of me being too young or not intelligent enough? It's not a very mature style of arguing at all.


It's an action thriller made for the west based on a few facts.
Relax met 76


"neither of the above"

Yep, stupid. 0/100.
This whole thing is easily understood by everyone but you, that should be a hint. This isn't a questionable contentious point, its a simple explanation of a simple comment and you just don't get it. Maybe quit while you're behind?
It is actually difficult to argue with you, because you present ridiculous tangents that have no relevance to the discussion. I hope for your sake you're trolling.


"neither of the above"

Yep, stupid. 0/100.
This whole thing is easily understood by everyone but you, that should be a hint. This isn't a questionable contentious point, its a simple explanation of a simple comment and you just don't get it. Maybe quit while you're behind?
It is actually difficult to argue with you, because you present ridiculous tangents that have no relevance to the discussion. I hope for your sake you're trolling.

You know, one can argue against someone's point and try to invalidate his or her arguments in an adult, mature way, without attacking the person, without calling him or her stupid. It may seem hard to you, but it's possible! Aside from that, "the whole thing is easily understood by everyone but you" isn't true as several people in this thread agree with me. So try again. fella.


Actually I was responding specifically to the point referencing 3 potential options to explain behaviour. Hence the 0/100. I didn't make the criteria so don't go pointing fingers at me.

Sorry, I'll correct my point then:
The whole thing is easily understood by most people with common sense...


What do you actually mean by "the whole thing"?


The whole thing, what is meant, how it works, how it isn't a plot hole, how it's really straight forward and you're reading far too much into it and finally how I get more and more suspicious that you're trolling.


The whole thing, what is meant, how it works, how it isn't a plot hole, how it's really straight forward and you're reading far too much into it and finally how I get more and more suspicious that you're trolling.

Well maybe not a plot hole entirely, but certainly a plot flaw since evidently this human trafficking thing as seen in the movie doesn't happen in the real world, and was just made that way in the movie so that American viewers can relate to the characters better, as pointed out by another user. If the movie is set in the real world, with a totally fictitious plot (e.g. the Albanian mafia regularly kidnaps American tourists in France) which doesn't make too much sense, it is at least a plot flaw to me.


People are stopped not only at the border these days. That's one of the conditions of the open borders. Vehicles are searched at random.


You are almost right, only you are confounding the EU with the Schengen Area. There is a big overlap, but still they're two separate things. There are EU countries that aren't members of the Schengen Area, and non-EU countries (e.g. Switzerland)that are.

That being said, I agree that the American or Western European tourists are less likely to became victims then the Eastern Europeans. Furthermore, I don't see how such a trafficking ring would hold up for an extended period of time. After the first girls reported missing, the State Department and it's foreign counterparts would immediately be all over it, and if a pattern emerges, no internal corruption in the French police would be able to resist that kind of pressure.

To me, it would have made more sense if it was a one-time big operation. American and Western European girls who can afford to travel to Paris certainly make a better "merchandize" than the poor Eastern Europeans (they certainly have better teeth :), are easier to case in an airport and to grab then transporting them there or running around Paris searching for au-pairs.

Regardless of this, I enjoyed the movie. It's one of the few movies where I am able to watch someone being tortured without batting an eye.

Do.Or do not.There is no try.


Girls from the East have to be provided with false documentation, passports, travel visa's, work permits all of which cost money.
Actually: NO.

Because they are never actually going to work, they do not need work visa or any kind of special permit. All they need is passports and some form of tourist visa.

If the girl is smart and wants to see a work permit before leaving the country, you could just tell the girl that this is a first visit to get them to know the family they are supposed to work with to see if they like her, a kind of job interview and that therefore going through all the paperwork would be premature.

And tourist visas are cheap. A 5 day visa from the UK to Russia costs 50 pounds, to pick up your Russia example. I doubt it's going to be more from any Eastern European country to France.


having money does nothing to get you back.

like they said in the movie.
if you don't find the person with in like 78 hours then you will never find them again.


Ready my post again. It still makes no sense and it's still a plot hole IMO.

Even if that was a legitimate problem it's not a plot hole. What exactly are you finding wrong with it?

Again that's not what a plot hole is.

If you pirate media, you do not get to have an opinion on it.


The way I saw it was that girls travelling from, say, America to France might be more naive/excited/culture shocked. So having a suave foreign guy approach them and call them princess would work wonders to drop their defenses. I'm not saying EU girls are smarter or anything, but they might be less awestruck by, say, a French accent, than an American girl who has never left the States would be. Therefore it would just be easier to get them to go along with you or invite you in or whatever. In other words American girls are easily wooed by foreign guys.


They used to bring girls from Europe to America and then turn them into prostitutes. But that was pricey, because of having to pay to transport them from Europe to America. So they started kidnapping vacationing girls IN Europe. And you are right that Western families have more money, but the kidnappers have no intentions of ransoming them. Doing a ransom is tricky and might lead to them getting caught. They strictly deal in taking girls and using them as prostitutes. So that's why its cheaper to kidnap travelers, because you don't have to pay transportation fees.


they had to have american girls for this movie, because people relate less to -more realistic- rumanian girls, care less. I hate that it is this way, but its reality.



Despite the "explanation" in the movie, your criticism is valid. Prostitution, like any other business, tries to manage risk.
There is a huge supply of attractive and reasonably educated girls and women from Eastern Europe who are low cost resources for the scum that manage them. Some are convinced to come here with the old tactic of a job promise, and then the standard prostitute- making brutality, but many of the girls that we see here in Europe are tech savvy, city women who know exactly what they are getting into when they come to western Europe.
I can only imagine how hopeless life must be in Romania or Belarus that standing on the street on an Italian ring road waiting for an unwashed truck driver is a better alternative, but life in the former soviet bloc is tough. I feel for these girls.
Here in my part of Italy, it is mostly Romanian gangs that "manage" the girls. They had a little territorial shoot out the other night, and the town fathers cracked down on them and put them out of business for a month.
Adding influential and wealthy fathers to the mix of risks wouldn't make for good business, and this part of the movie, as well as many other parts, didn't ring true.


And you're saying these groups aren't capable of taking risks because they feel invincible? Besides, they're not the ones who manage these girls who are more "expensive". They're on-sold. Think of them like the middle man, picking up merchandise and selling it on to the consumer. Their supply would be based on demand, and just because these two girls were taken doesn't mean the majority of their time focuses on these kinds of girls.


Not a plot hole. Even if your point is valid, it doesn't in any way affect the plot beyond those few words.
You're so stupid it's almost physically painful. Stop your damn trolling.


One thing I've learned on IMDB is that people have no clue what the definition of plot hole is.


Don't know if this has been asked before, but when Bryan tries to identify the traffickers at the time he's still in America, Bryan's friend/ex-partner whatever says someting like...

I want to know how his friend Sam was able to figure out the name of the guy that Bryan talked to on the phone. All they had to go on was a few words from Kim and two words on the phone. I'm sorry, but that's not enough to ID someone.

This is a THREADED message board. Please reply to the proper post!
