MovieChat Forums > Chuck (2007) Discussion > What is a good alternative name for this...

What is a good alternative name for this show?

My friend was hesitant to watch the show because of the name. She thought it had something to do with the horror movie "Chucky". So she was very reluctant when I forced her to watch it. (She loves it now). I think the name gives some people the wrong impression. So my question is: if you could name this show anything, what would it be?


The Intersect.


I had a similar reaction. On the Arrow board people love to ask one another "What are your favorite TV series?" and Chuck appears on their lists from time to time. I thought they meant something completely different. It wasn't till I saw the artwork they use for its main picture on IMDb (from the box set, I assume) that I realised it was something completely different.

So what mijobazuka suggested, "The Intersect" works for me, but maybe some people will think of "insects" from the word. I'm tellin' ya, you can never predict what people will get from words they've never heard before (even though most people have heard of an "intersection").

Yeah, I'm an English teacher and I promise this would happen.

Always feel free to attack someone as a substitute for thinking.


I guess the reason why its difficult to find a other suitable name for the show, is because of how it developed.
I guess if it had stayed as it was with the first two seasons, where its just about a computer nerd, who ended up with a lot of government secrets in his head, it would had been more easy.
