MovieChat Forums > Chuck (2007) Discussion > Chuck No Longer On NetFlix?!?!?!?!?!?

Chuck No Longer On NetFlix?!?!?!?!?!?

We have until the 31st to change this!

"Image of 'lovable losers' gets us more tail than Sinatra."---Chicago Cubs, Late Night Top 10



they CAN'T take it off...they just can't!!!


I guess Netflix have a perfectly good reason of wanting to get rid of Chuck, such as an utter lack views of the episodes perhaps?


Hardly lack of people watching. Everyone I recommended Chuck to is glued to it.

Likely a financing decision, as Netflix is heading towards more made-for-Netflix type series, and save on not paying for older series.

They took off Psych too :(

At least with Chuck they gave us a month's warning (I've blitzed through the end of the series, whew!).


Ah, like they put the focus on something like producing their own Marvel series and such?
I would not know since i don't have Netflix, but instead enjoy Chuck on Blu-ray, since i am bit old school when it comes to TV-shows :-)


I'm old school too, but also cheap, so I get my series on Netflix :)


Sad to see it won't be an option after Monday. I'm glad I've binge watched the series once, and a few seasons multiple times. I'm watching it as I type =)


I am so sad. Chuck is the best. I have 2 more hours until no chuck on Netflix. I'm hating you Netflix.


Fortunately they can. It's all about the views and streams the shows get. If the shows and movies aren't getting enough streams then they will take it off.
