The Wire

I felt throughout the whole movie that I was watching The Wire:Italian Style. The only difference is that Gomorra missed the endearing characters and the soul of that particular show.

Not that the comparison is that strange, The Wire also felt like a modern redoing of the Italian pearl La Piovra.


I had the exact same thought.


Gomorrah also missed a storyline. It's not a masterpiece, it's nowhere near The Wire.

my vote history:


It's like if The Sopranos (the garbage business storyline) and The Wire had a son.


Gomorra is a totally unique movie. Nothing like the Sopranos and definitely nothing like the Wire.


You must be on crack!! This film has absolutely nothing to do with The Wire. But I would love to hear some comparisions?

And Im a HUGE TW fan...

Come at the king, you best not miss...



This didn't remind me of The Wire at all while watching it but I can see where you're coming from.

It reminded me a lot of the film Syriana with the loose connections between the separate stories and the fact that the director doesn't feel the need to patronise the audience.


Indeed. If Wire had been a film instead of a television show, David Simon should have made it like this. Two hours is too short for a Wire-like story arc so it would have been better to just show some glimpses of every organization involved and so establish the overall theme.
