I didn't care for Blood Diamond or Hotel Rwanda, but City of God was really awesome on just about every front. Extremely well shot, clever storytelling, great editing and the pace of it is just brilliant. I didn't know anything about the slums of Rio prior to seeing it, and found it fascinating anyway.
This movie in contrast was a chore to watch. I don't get the hoopla. Perhaps there is some cultural aspect to it that I'm missing, because it seemed like a really amateur attempt at filmmaking to me in terms of pacing and editing and the movie in general is a mess. Movies are about storytelling, and this fails that basic test.
I didn't care about a single one of the characters, OR their circumstances, which aren't really well explained at all. If the filmmaker doesn't care enough to put his film in context, why should anyone else? It couldn't have less emotional impact if every scene was with completely different unknown characters.
I'm going to let it slide in terms of all the improper exposures and poor camera technique, just because some could make the argument they are choices.
The punctuations of the nothingness of the plot by the sometimes random violence is the only reason to watch this. The violence is very well done, though, as it comes out of nowhere and is over as quickly as it arrives. It's very jarring and very realistic. However, instead of watching this, I would recommend handing your nephew a loaded gun and sending him out in the yard to fire randomly over the next two hours while you read a book. You'll get the same effect and won't have to watch this mess.
I would suggest watching EVERY other movie on the planet before Gomorra.
Amateurs built The Ark, professionals built The Titanic.