In my opinion the taylor was the only sympathetic character, he just tryed to make a honest living and provide for his (poor)family, even if he was making some side money working for the chinese. I guess in the end he managed to come out clean with a new job and while we see him at the restroom with other workers on end of shift, we can presume that the truck he was driving was in fact his own, bought with the money he earned upfront teaching in the chinese warehouse. Most likely he would than be hired by the crooked rich guy to deliver the toxic waste but he is working by himself.


... and he might end up contracting cancer off the noxious waste give-off and die like a mongrel in some godforsaken ramshackle hospital ward down south broke and destitute. Thought about that one?


I hate to be the one to break this to you, but it's "tailor".
