How did it end?

My DVR stopped recording the last 3 minutes. The last part I saw was where Molly decided not to jump and they was running out of the house. IF someone would please tell me how it ends..I really want to know. It's driving me crazy since it's not resheduled for a while. Thank you!


They run out, and the house is shaking and the lights are going haywire. Then Candice's ghost dissapears off the roof, and everything is still. They obviously moved out, and you see a new family, mom and her son, getting a tour of the house then the old lady from the nursing home (can't remember her name)comes up and is like I am looking for my sister, the guy giving the tour says go back to the car mom, then he tells the new people that she was an orphan(It shows you that the old lady is the baby that Candice save before her father killed her). Then the man giving the tour takes the new potential home owner inside to look at the house, and her son is outside, and we see the swing that Candice was killed with move back and forth, just like at the beginning of the movie.

Sorry I am kind confusing when I explain things, if you have any questions just reply back!


you explained just fine. Thank you so much!


The writer's forgot to include the part where Suzanne leaves her jerky boy husband. That guy must be a real downer at parties and mixers!








I KNOW, he was SUCH a jerk! It was so ridiculous how oblivious he was about everything. After the house started shaking and all the lights went crazy and they all saw Candace vanish, I half expected him to be like, "Now Suzanne, I'd like to stop all this nonsense about ghosts and the supernatural. Clearly there was a power outage and an earthquake and we all experienced a simultaneous hallucination that caused us to imagine a screaming blue child on the roof."

--celebrating my 9th year on imdb. woohoo!--


Jerk is being way too nice!

I was ready to deck him when he pretty much tossed her under the bus at the shrinks office, saying in not so many words the pregnancy was her fault.
Guess what takes TWO!

"If Liza is wrong, then I don't want to know what right is." --Peter Griffin


The old woman says "Have you seen my sister yet?" Just like she did when she saw Suzanne. She was warning the family in a way like "Have you seen my sister yet? Because if you are in this house, she's gonna get ya." That's what i got out of it, her sister probably haunts her too. Her sister gives her her psychic abilities.
