Overage Actors

Why do directors and producers still think it's a good idea to cast 29 year old actors as 17 year olds? The guy that plays Bobby was born in 1979 and it's obvious. At least Brittany Snow is only 22 - she can kind of pass for teenage. I just don't understand it - there are teenagers who can act the hell out of a role as a teenager - after all, who better to play a role than someone who is living it?

Also, why is every insipid boyfriend in every teenage American horror named Bobby?


The actors' ages:

Brittany Snow (Donna) - 22
Scott Porter (Bobby) - 29
Jessica Stroup (Claire) - 22
Dana Davis (Lisa) - 23 or 24
Collins Pennie (Ronnie) - 21
Kelly Blatz (Michael) - 20 or 21

So, other than Scott, the lead cast members aren't THAT old. They all looked appropriate playing high school students.


Right, but I've always wondered why the hell they can't cast teenagers for the teenage roles. It's not like teenagers don't have talent. And not only in this movie, but in almost every teenage movie out there. They even make fun of this fact in Scary Movie. Even in Titanic, Rose is supposed to be 17 years old, when in reality, Kate Winslett appeared to be at least 26 years old (not sure how old she actually was during Titanic). It's a fact that there's teenage talent in Hollywood and in the US, so why not use it?



Mainly because of CHILD LABOR LAWS, many young actors(teenage minors) cannot be allowed to work after certain hours of the day, so they get older actors to portray younger ages without all the hassle or parental permission to deal with.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."


That's basically the answer/why it's done...this has been disussed many times elsewhere here at imdb on other "teen" films.

This was just ridiculous though...half watching this but these "kids" don't even come close to resembling high school aged kids.


to me they all fit the high school group of kids.



Upper highschooler look no different from early 20-somethings.


kate winslet just looked older, but she was quite young. i think i remember her being 19-21 during that movie.


Kate was between 19 and 21 in Titanic.

Also, you have to take into account that it was set in 1912, and women often looked older then because they were adults earlier in their lives.


According to Imdb, Dana Davis was born in 1978, making her almost 30 when Prom Nigh was made.

Don't hate the playa...hate the game.


There is a HUGE physical difference between a 17 year old person and a 20+ person. I would go as far to say these castings have a part in the teen body issue... issue. They expect something at 17 that won't happen till their quite a bit older.


No there isn't. The main cast of Harry Potter don't look that much different from their 17 year old selfs. Puberty ends before you're 17 most of the time.


it has always been thus. Even in the silent era, they had ancient actresses such as Mary Pickford playing teens. I suppose the most famous example has to be Grease. Though Olivia Newton John could easily pass for someone 10 years younger.

As a previous poster said. It is easier to employ older actors, as they are not restricted like teenagers.


It's not something new. Alan Ruck was 30 when he played Cameron in Ferris Bueller and Matthew Broderick was like 25.


Kevin Bacon was almost 26 in Footloose. It all just depends on the individual. If you can pass off as a younger person, then more power to you because IMO it only helps your chances at longevity in Hollywood.

The girls in American Pie are another good example. Tara Reid is the youngest, but to me she looked, and still looks, much older than Alyson Hannigan and Shannon Elizabeth.


Scott Porter is hot!


All right, so child labor laws. That's only good until you're 18, right? So why can't they hire 18-year-olds? Why do they have to go with 26-year-olds?






Another problem is that it's harder to find a good child/teen actor than it is to get someone older than the actual character. Kristen Dunst was older than the role she played of Claudia in "Interview with a Vampire." The main goal of the director is to get someone who can make the part believable. Kristen Dunst said in an interview that Tom Cruise told her to hide her feet under her dress, when he picked her up in order to make herself look younger and smaller so she would get the part. Sometimes an artistic vision truimphs over reality. Maybe Star Wars I could have benefited from that. The kid who played a young Aniken was awful to me. Just because someone is the age of a character in real life doesn't mean they can act out the emotions, intentions, and actions of a character successfully. GOOD child actors are far and few between (ex. Jodie Foster, Drew Barrymore, Kristen Dunst, Macully Kulkin). They're like 1 in a million, and tend to be very busy.

