MovieChat Forums > Pushing Daisies (2007) Discussion > i must bake pies now. i must bake pies n...

i must bake pies now. i must bake pies now.

i made a pumpkin pie early on while watching, as pumpkin pie was also mentioned on once upon a time, and i craved it like a sick addiction. but now i want to make pear pie with gruyere cheese grated on top and i have purchased all the ingredients. pear pie will soon be mine.

have you baked a pie as a result of watching this show? or just ordered pie? be specific as to if you baked or ordered, and which type of pie you stuffed down your hole, please.

also, why do you think they are all fruit pies? the only pie that seemed not to have fruit just hanging out in a crust was the lemon pie for the contest. why no pumpkin pie or key lime pie or chocolate chip pie or pecan pie? pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie. i even want to bake a chicken pot pie and i don't see why they did not serve pies like that, savory pies, at the pie hole, even though randy's pie was scary!


I baked a pear and gruyere crust pie last fall, it was so delicious.

I could live in the sea.I'd make friends with a whale,and we'd live in a sunken pirate ship.


Oh, yeah, I had an intense pie-baking phase back in 2008 and 2009. I baked especially strawberry, apple and chocolate pies. Pies like this are not common in my country, so it was very exciting to try something so new and different. Here's a page with some pictures of my pies:


yes, they do not really make pies in Israel either and look with skepticism on the most perfect of pumpkin pies, served of course with heavy whipped cream. they think pumpkin is for soup, and beef stew, and it is quite good in their savory dishes, but that is fresh pumpkin, and i used canned pumpkin for pie. i have asked around and everyone i know who tried to use fresh pumpkin for pie had it turn out with an odd texture and flavor. only AFTER they deign to sample the smallest bite of this weird delicacy, are they moved to oos and ahs. an American originally, i will always prefer pies and chocolate chip cookies to rugelach and apple cake.


Since Ned is a vegetarian by necessity, that would rule out anything with meat! Since he can alive again old fruit, seems like that would be his most economical pie baking option. As opposed to having to stock cans of condensed milk, corn syrup, eggs, cream, nuts, etc.
Although Chuck brought Olive shoofly in Frescorts, which is basically molasses pie. Has anyone ever had shoofly? Sounds like pecan pie with molasses instead of corn syrup and no pecans, which doesn't sound all that good to me. Olive must have one heck of a sweet tooth!

Pie is absolutely my favorite thing to bake! Generally I tend to make pumpkins and blueberries which are my favorite favorite (and usually consumed before I remember to get a pic for my blog!), but I've branched out on occasion. Here's a couple I made way back when to say goodbye to PD:


Good catch on the vegetarian by necessity bit. I hadn't even thought of that, but it would be really distressing to have a big bite of cheeseburger come to life in one's mouth. However, I suppose he could touch meat twice before consuming it and all would be well.

I don't think economy is the reason he uses his gift on rotten fruit. It's more a matter of personal tradition. By contrast, Chuck is always cooking up pies of her own, of which Ned savors the samples she gives him.

Just goes back to the backstory of how he got started making pies in the first place.

I think we all believe I could do something that stupid.


I like that - Ned stuck in his ways and Chuck coming along and mixing things up!

Design wise, the colorful fruit pies also just fit right into the highly-saturated world of Pushing Daisies.


My grandmother used to make shoofly pie, I don't know how she makes it, but her's is the only shoofly pie I like.

I could live in the sea.I'd make friends with a whale,and we'd live in a sunken pirate ship.


also, thank you everyone for responding about your pies. if you haven't clicked on the link, do check out madp's amazing pies. i have never done the fancy pie tops - it seems worth it primarily for presentation value, if you are bringing the pie to someone, no? another user posted some awesome looking pies on that thread as well. and the peach pie with the crumble top looks like heaven!

what about the cup pies? not too much crust?

thanks for reminding me about the vegetarian element, and for the idea about thriftiness, re: rotting fruit. i always thought the rotting fruit rather disgusting though, personally. i wasn't interested in eating ned's pies (chuck's pear/gruyere of course i wanted!) because of this - gross. still, if you have a whole establishment just for pies, they really should do a wider variety.

p.s. my pear/gruyere pie is out of the oven, but i want to let it cool before cutting it open!


i would love to try to make a cup pie but as my baking is abysmal, i'm hoping somebody else will do it for me :P
