Ned's father?

So I just re-watched the whole series for the first time since it aired (love it so much) and this time I was more aware of the story lines we didn't see finished before the ending. One of the big questions we are left with is regarding Ned's father who suspiciously appeared in two episodes in season 2 (not in flashback). You might especially remember he is the one who mysteriously rescues Olive and Ned when they are hanging of the branch over the precipice. I assume we would have gotten to know more about him if the series had gotten to continue (will never ever forgive ABC for cancelling it) but I was wondering if you fans had any speculations about him to share? :) Or maybe you know something I don't know and could share that...


Well, he's George Hamilton. I do know that.

"Hitler! C'mon, I'll buy you a glass of lemonade."


Well yes, thanks haha :P


I do not recall Ned's father ever having a name... Was he ever given a name in the show?


Many loose endings, with Chucks dad to, and what was up with Dwight?

I always thought Neds dad would have some solution to Ned and chucks little "We can't touch eachother" problem.


I've always wondered about this. I believe Ned's father must know about Ned's death power. I wonder if he has his own powers? He seemed to know exactly what to do when it came to Dixon's body and Charles Charles body and Chuck's body. It was handed like a pro.

Dixon, Charles Charles and Ned's father had a shady past together. The watches meant something important but we'll never know what. If nothing else it tells us the three men where involved in something bad and is yet another sigh Ned's Dad and Charles are bad guys. Clearly Dixon and Charles didn't know about any powers Ned's father had or Ned's powers. Dixon was in jail for 22 years while the other two had families. I wonder if Ned's Dad was running something to do with Dixon or if it was something to do with his powers or maybe he was just a deadbeat dad.

I wanted to see Ned's Dad have power and maybe Ned's brothers have some kind of power too without knowing it.
