MovieChat Forums > Pushing Daisies (2007) Discussion > Do you think there was any significance ...

Do you think there was any significance to...

Ned's last name never being revealed? Pretty much every other character on the show had their last name mentioned so i find it hard to believe that this wasn't done deliberately. Maybe it had something to do with his father and the whole pocket watch mystery. I guess we'll never find out now. =(

All I want is someone who'll warm me when I'm cold, feed me when I'm hungry & maybe take me dancing


In TWOP we guessed that since we had Charles Charles, Dwight Dixon the piemaker and his father might be sharing a similar alliterative name like Edward Edward's. Ned is a short form of Edward. Of course in Dim Sum Lose Some Ned complains about his father getting creative with the Twin's names so maybe is a different name, anyway just a though.


sorry but what's TWOP stand for?
anyways, thanks for your idea!

All I want is someone who'll warm me when I'm cold, feed me when I'm hungry & maybe take me dancing


TWOP = Television WithOut Pity

Yes, I think Edwards makes sense, since the likelihood that his watch needed to have EE engraved to keep the pattern. The question that raises is was there someone else with the initials AA involved in the watch plot?


I think a very short name and no last name just make Ned unique, like when he's the only one to wear black in contrast with the others. I'm sure that's deliberate.


i suppose that this makes the most sense since i can't see the point in keeping it a secret. unless it turned out that he had the same last name as someone else but never knew it. but even then we would have still learned what his supposed last name was and so you're most likely right about this.

All I want is someone who'll warm me when I'm cold, feed me when I'm hungry & maybe take me dancing


I agree that it sets him apart, along with the black clothes. I actually think it could kind of be considered part of his being a sort of superhero; he has the superpowers, the origin story, and there was that wonderful episode with the rhino where he realized he was superman and couldn't just be Clark Kent. His just being "Ned" in contrast to the others having full names could be part of that.


Okay so I might be really late in commenting, but I wholeheartedly disagree with the notion that the reason that Ned has no last name is to separate him from everyone else and make him individualistic. I, personally, believe that the reason that Ned has no last name is simply because Bryan was trying to illustrate the point that Ned isn't very unique except for his 'gift'. That he is just a normal guy who was thrown this extraordinary ability and it shows what happened to him in trying to cope with that. If Ned did have a last name though, I'd hope it would be Baker.
And his dad could be Benjamin Baker or Bryan Baker (after the genius Bryan Fuller!) and that would still go with the Charles Charles and Dwight Dixon theme.
