
I was re-watching the series and realized that I don't really like Chuck, she's kind of annoying and causes more trouble than Ned does when he raises the dead. Am I the only one that feels this way?

I still love the show.



Firstly I don't know why Ned didn't let her tell her aunts that she was alive... they could've made some sort of story.

Secondly, it annoys me when Chuck acts all high and mighty but most of the time she's in the wrong.


I started this series earlier in the month and have three episodes left to watch. Out of all the characters - both major and minor - Chuck might be my least favorite. I like her. However, I find that she can be rather selfish. Does she have a right to be after caring for her aunts - forgoing any real life for herself - for nineteen years? Yeah, she has a right to be a little selfish. But, I find she takes things too far. She acts very 'above it', when she's usually the one causing issues.

I suppose I like Ned and Chuck together, as they can be rather cute. But, I find myself questioning it. Do they only love one another because they remind one another of that last bit of innocence they had? Does Chuck love Ned as much as he loves her, because it doesn't always seem that way. Ned's fairly obsessively in love with Chuck and sometimes Chuck doesn't seem nearly as in love. Which is fine, but it makes me question the "epic love" they were supposed to have.

I read that had there been a third season, Chuck was going to go off and travel with her father. I wonder if how that would have played out and if some time away from Ned and all the secrets would have allowed us to see a different - maybe more likable - side of Chuck.


I loved all of the main characters. I'd have to say Olive was my favorite though.


Oh not me.... I really like Chuck! Although you're right, she can certainly be annoying at times.

"Chuck" is someone I'd want to know --she'd make a great friend.

The character of "Olive" is much more fun to watch in the show!! But in real life people like her get on my nerves. I don't usually like people who 1. are super competitive 2. nosy 3. will try to make it with someone else's committed boyfriend, 4. even while being devoutly religious enough to become a nun. But on the other hand, I must say that I quite like people who spontaneously erupt into song.


The character of "Olive" is much more fun to watch in the show!! But in real life people like her get on my nerves. I don't usually like people who 1. are super competitive 2. nosy 3. will try to make it with someone else's committed boyfriend, 4. even while being devoutly religious enough to become a nun. But on the other hand, I must say that I quite like people who spontaneously erupt into song.

It amazes me how out of the two characters, the one I'd probably hate in real life is my favorite lol.


The only thing that bugged me about her was that she blamed Ned for her dad's death when he was just a kid and didn't have any control over it.


And they all wondered why Ned was a paranoid mess.

I hated that she clearly blamed him for something he had no control over while claiming that she didn't.


It makes a form of sense though. Rationally she knows it isn't his fault, but emotionally her instinct is to be angry at him for it since he caused it.


OMG ThankYou! I dont know why but everytime I tell people how annoying I find Chuck on Twitter I get 5/6 posters trying to take a bite out of me. I thought Chuck was sweet at first but I hadn't even started on Season 2 before she started to grate on my nerves. I forwarded all her scenes for the 2nd season which was a drag but I just couldn't watch anymore. Olive was more entertaining and by episode 2.12 when he was jealous at the end, I loved it. They hinted on them so much it's a shame they didn't get together in the end.


I re-watched the season a few months ago after watching the original run when it aired and it saddened me how much I hated Chuck. The other posters have mentioned most of the reasons why but the one thing I hated was how pushy Chuck was towards Ned but after rewatching a third time I noticed that Chuck tells Ned in one of the early episodes that she feels as if she doesn't know adult Ned because he doesn't tell her much about himself, so you can't really blame her for assuming Ned is basically the same as he was when he was 10 and consistently forcing him to do things he doesn't want to. Moreover while it is annoying that Chuck co-opts the autopsy interviews to ask pedantic questions, Ned took his sweet time to tell her the rules of undead/re-dead and the 1 minute time window so its not wrong for Chuck to assume that she can ask victims questions about their last wishes and opinions.

Chuck: I don't know anything about you since you were nine. Ned: It's pretty much I bake pies and wake the dead. I live a very sheltered life. Chuck: I already lived a sheltered life once.

Chuck:What's with this minute and when did it become your minute?

Chuck:Why is it only a minute?
Ned: Hmm?
Chuck: A minute seems awfully arbitrary.

Chuck: We haven't seen each other in like 20 years, don't you want to know about me? I want to know everything about you.
