Mickey Rourke

Came across as a complete homophobe. If I were Graham I would have ripped into him and taken the piss. Rourke is the one guy who deserves a decent serving!


I don't know about a homophobe. But, he was creepy and charmless and I'd have much rather seen someone else on the show.


homophobe is precisely the word I would use. He gives Norton pink handcuffs and keeps telling Graham that he should be used to them. He gives Graham permission to call Halloween "Halloweenie".... amongst other gay inuendos throughout the interview.


Yeah, everything he did made him seem like he was putting on a fake persona and wanted the attention all to himself. What's with the cane? It was completely for show, and he never put it down, so it looked like he thought he was back in "Angel Heart" but now he's playing Robert DeNiro's part (as if he could). It's a shame -- I liked him before he got too big for his britches.


He was so creepy! Most definitely the worst interviewee I've ever seen on the show.

Phooey_Phoo = IokFromTheCrypt's bird


Have always liked Rourke but i cringed for most of it. Sleazed all over Jessica Biel who i felt so sorry for and then tries to get the female singer to sit on his lap, then plays handies with her before sticking his cane in her crotch region.
I believe he was drinking straight scotch on the show. I dont think he will be back on the show any time soon. Norton's facial expression at the end of the show said it all really.


Yeah, I agree with all that said above.
Rourke has disappointed me with his rude acts towards Biel and the singer.
His Therapist should ask him to come more often and increase his pill dosage.
