Naked Barbies

Okay, so this has probably already been asked, but I could not find the answer online, and I really want to know....WHAT IS WITH THE NAKED BARBIES???!!!

I love Granham Norton, but I would really like to know why they are there. Is there a story behind them that someone woulf like to share?



Maybe they couldn't find a naked robot?!


I remember Graham did a recent interview, he said something about there wasn't anything to hold them up with, so they cut off the legs of the naked Barbies and stuck them in there. Doesn't really explain the need for Barbie to be naked, exposed on national television with her plastic legs cut off, but I guess that explanation will have to do.

Perry: "You, stop multiplying!"


Yeah, I don't get the images they show when the theme music plays. But I love the show.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"
