Worst couch in a while...

Last night saw the mix of Ricky Gervais, Ronnie Corbett and Juliette Binoche.

Not exactly optimal working conditions for poor Ricky, I'd say. Old Ronnie was of course sweet as always, and Ms Binoche is obviously a great actress -- but a great interview object she is not. She wore a perpetual stiff smile and a confused look, and to me it was obvious that neither of the two got half of the jokes Ricky was serving up. Nothing against either of them as such, just a really bad combination IMO.

IMDb-boards would be less confusing if people would mark their signatures clearly.


I just watched the same show here on BBC AMERICA-it is a new episode to us here...if you read my post,you'll see I agree in a way-Ms Binoche seems like she regrets being there.


Clearly Binoche deigned to appear merely to laud her film... Ricky should have had the first seat! He carried the entire show.
