MovieChat Forums > Crossing Over (2009) Discussion > Try to understand islam?

Try to understand islam?

Frankly i did not have much sympathy towards the muslim girl. Of course i was sad that her family got seperated but it was her own fault. She said that we should try to understand suicide bombers. Lets say: I TRY to understand ISLAM but i would never EVER try to understand the terrorists.


We can't understand them because they are inhuman.
She got off lightly with the deportation.


We can't understand them because they are inhuman.

really?! the gas that you using daily is been taken from their country! mostly a muslim country like iraq.



Because touchy, feely liberals have empathy for everyone regardless of their ethics........unless that person/group happens to be "right leaning", then, of course, it's on!


"We can't understand them because they are inhuman."

FTR, he doesn't mean "they" as in "terrorists," he means "they" as in "Muslims, all one billion of them, and anyone else I think looks too much like them or sounds too close to them."

Keep flying, son. And watch that potty mouth!


Taken from their country? We are paying them millions of dollars per day for the oil we import from middle eastern countries. There is no theft involved. If we were getting our oil for free gas wouldn't be nearly $3 a gallon.


I always think the US has great potential for another McCarthyism,
since half (or more) of the people seem to like it.
It's all about get into your mind and nip it in the bud.
When you don't have the right mindset, you're in trouble.


On Muslims and terrorism in America;

Well. In the words of Malcolm Reynolds, my days of not taking conservatives seriously are certainly coming to a middle...

Keep flying, son. And watch that potty mouth!


It's called playing the devil's advocate. Just because you advocate for the other side, does not necessarily mean that you support them, just like a criminal defense lawyer doesn't necessarily believe their client is innocent, and yet advocates for them.


Just ignore the poor Retardican.
