Kossef's hypocrisy

I am not Jewish, nor am I a religious zealot, but I found what the Gavin Kossef character was doing to be so revolting! I guess he's Jewish by birth, but all that pretense, singing Hebrew to the kids (not for the kids mind you, just means to an end so he could get the reference letter), practicing the prayers, wearing the yarmulke. He's a self-proclaimed Atheist and find it so offensive that he would "play the Jewish card" merely to get citizenship. It would be one thing if we could see his character embracing the religion after some sort of epiphany or if he had actually learned something from his "cramming", but I get the sense that he never will take it seriously. And poor Jewish teacher at the end...she's smitten and has no clue about his hypocrisy. I think he only keeps his job at the Jewish school just to maintain the facade, in case the immigration officials are watching him. He literally just made me ill! I think what he did was far worse than the Australian girl prostituting herself..at least her shame doesn't involve religion.



I'm not Jewish but I was offended at the rabbi going along with a lie, just to help a fellow Jew. I get it that the writer wanted some of his immigrants to be successful, gaming the system, others to be losers, actually dying because they broke the law. Therefore I blame the writer, the the rabbi.

I miss Big Band music and talented singers. Leonard Cohen is my idol. Civility, harmony, unity!


He's a self-proclaimed Atheist and find it so offensive that he would "play the Jewish card" merely to get citizenship.
Well if he's an athiest it kind of makes sense that he wouldnt give a *beep* about pretending to believe something if it means getting a green card.


I don't understand why any immigration officer would expect a Rabbi to out another Jew (for not being Jewish enough) for the purpose of deportation! There is some history of Jews being subject to deportation based on their ethnicity (see Germany circa 1930). I wouldn't expect the Rabbi to act any other way.



Actually, I think a real atheist would not stoop to such a level. Inconceivable, really.

And yes, I found it revolting that he kept working at the school. London is a good a place as any for musicians...please!
