Liotta's weight gain?

Is it just me or did Ray's face looked kind of puffy? It looked like a person who is on prednisone. A friend of mine had a similar look when he was on prednisone. I hope it is just a reflection of weight gain and nothing serious.
I always look forward to his movies. I enjoy him puffy or not!


His look fit the character well, overwieght middle-aged man looking to prey upon a younger vulnerable woman.
Kind of a sleezebag.


The Prednisone is an interesting theory. I think he had a bad face lift, along with the weight gain that is common at his age. I hope it was Prednisone--I'm so sick of face lifts!!


Yes, he looked like he'd had needlesful of Botox injected. If you watch him talking his cheeks barely move. And he was so dishy in Goodfellas!
