Who else fast-forwarded the part where Taslima Jahangir says goodbye ...
.. to her family and cries for about half an hour??
Call me an insensitive bastard but I sure did.
I guess we were supposed to feel sad and think that this was outrageous and that they were treated poorly? So, If I was to move to a country where a major worldwide known terrorist attack occured and thousands of families mourned the loss of they loved ones and I yelled out on rooftops my sympathy for the terrorists I should be surprised that there are consequences? Expect people to feel sorry for me? That's not even taking into accoubnt that I CHOSE to immigrate there and then spit on the same ground that welcomed me?
She probably would have been shot on many other countries, but in America, we find ways to pity people like that.. how cute
Cool value system Hollywood!
Screw that, I was glad she got what she deserved and even think they were too kind to her, I was just waiting for someone to throw a book at her when she was doing her damn speech in front of the class
discuss away..
I see dumb people everywhere, and sometimes, they don't even know they're dumb!