MovieChat Forums > Crossing Over (2009) Discussion > Should have all been deported to Banglad...

Should have all been deported to Bangladesh....

I can't stand how the various federal agencies make these deals where they allow certain illegals to stay in the country. Her and her parents were illegal, so they should have been deported. There should not have been an argument about it. If they want to leave their kids here than fine, but what I found most disturbing about that plot was the common practice of the FBI and immigration officials making deals to ignore certain illegal immigrants.

Despite the excuses people are making on the board, there is little doubt that she was not only sympathetic, but condoned the actions of the terrorists. Just like the real-life case it was based on. We certainly don't need people like her in the country if we can get rid of them. As outspoken and devout as she is, we'll see how that goes over in a Muslim nation. Maybe soon she'll have a husband to speak for her at all times. I'm pretty sure that they don't even let women into mosques in Bangladesh, which pretty much tells you the mentality of those she wants us to understand. And what she was promoting here. And we don't need a man who makes his wife, who has been in the country for a dozen years sit there talking her native language while he speaks for her like she's a slave. That's not the kind of people we need or want. Make room for the more deserving.

You did just fine, Clarence. Now go git yo'self some hot cornbread!


If they'd deported everyone except the kids then there'd be two more people growing up in america who seriously hated america for destroying their family.

Which is the kind of extreme situation that leads to extreme outcomes, like 9/11.

But then, judging by the rest of your post, your IQ probably isn't high enough to comprehend that.


Wonderful. Another weak-minded pseudo-intellectual. Nothing I said was incorrect.

The issue isn't about the political views of anyone. It's about the fact that illegals should be deported. The kids would have gone with them.

You did just fine, Clarence. Now go git yo'self some hot cornbread!


Too bad reality isn't like this with the Mexicans. They never would reacted like that with them. I guess arab illegals have to go and mexican illegals don't.


totally agree, I hate to say it, but we need to close the dam borders. period we are overpopulating,, and we can't event take care of our own people.. and now we the taxpayer have to provide for illegals.. that's messed up

are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


So basically you would prefer for the kids to be taken into care and for your tax dollars to pay for their upbringing? It seemed like a reasonable compromise: one parent was allowed to remain and support them.


You do realize this is a HIGHLY contrived situation. What is the likelihood a teenage Muslim immigrant FEMALE would ever speak up like that? The whole thing is Hollywood provocation.

It's always easy to just say "deport 'em all", especially if you never wanted them here in the first place. Clearly, if a Muslim immigrant is chatting with known terror group, he or she should be deported--that's common sense. But for simply exercising the AMERICAN right to free speech? Forget about the Muslim thing for a second and pretend you're a white teenage European without a green card, and (like I've heard a lot of white people do frankly), you refer to the president of the United states as a n****r. Of course, it's offensive. But should they deport you and your family simply for SAYING that if you're not making any actual threat?

And speaking of Hollywood provocation, sometimes Hollywood only poses a question and people just assume it's "liberal preaching". A lot of Hollywood is liberal, but they're also Jewish and not exactly pro-Islam, so I think people see "preaching" some times where there really isn't anyway. This is a highly contrived situation, but it's also very morally ambiguous and it's not clear what the "right" thing to do here is. They could have put a liberal slant on this easily and made the girl really sympathetic, but they didn't.
