I'm actually willing to TAKE Claire Sheperd's advice...
... that she has given to Ray Liotta's character later in the movie - to "do it" with a rubber eff doll if one REALLY wanted to.
Because, apart from giving more emotionally, it also avoids other undesired consequences.
And I myself could never EVER in a million years manipulate a young woman into sex even if I had all the power in the world not to face consequences, my consciousness wouldn't allow me to, even though I am a man in my nearly 30 years of age and I think if I COULD help a girl like Claire, I would do so without making her sleep with me, and I may even refuse it if she outright wants it too as well. (Like, maybe I JUST don't want it, if that's alright?)
Then again, I'm not the sort of person who even considers sex all that great and important, so I COULD live without it, let alone do so under circumstances which will make ME bad and hurt my partner emotionally - big NO for me THERE.
Maybe that's just me, but I say, if I were him, I could help Claire without sexual favours and if I couldn't control my urges in such case, I'd get a rubber eff doll literally and enjoy myself.
The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!