MovieChat Forums > The Legend of Tarzan (2016) Discussion > 100 things I learned watching The Legend...

100 things I learned watching The Legend of Tarzan


1. No one seems to agree what sort of primate the CGI gorillas are ...

2. A man can be pummeled on the back by his giant, 1500lb primate brother and easily survive. Apparently, his brother knows exactly how much pressure to withhold ...

3. Jane prefers to be seduced with various mating calls. Alligators only answer to their own ...

4.Rom's amazing silk necklace CAN be broken . . .

5. Tarzan ALWAYS picks the right vine.

6. If you pick the wrong vine, don't worry. Tarzan will carry you on his back ...

7. Tarzan has his own clothing style ... Even wearing an entire suit of clothes and a long coat, he still prefers to go barefoot . . .

Got the flavour of this game?

Add your wry observations!


8. Khaki cargo pants can be the last item of clothing one would need in the Congo ...


9. George Washington Williams was one bad dude.

10. Africa is a different kind of wild.

11. Mercenary armies won't land until you show them the money, preferably in diamonds.

12. Hippos are faster than they look in the water.

13. Tarzan is no ordinary man.

14. You can jump off a cliff and be fine, as long as there are trees below.


12. Hippos are faster than they look in the water.

I didn't want to be the first one to spoil the flow, but now that I'm not: apparently they are!

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Kuba chiefs don't kneel


1. No one seems to agree what sort of primate the CGI gorillas are ...

Except that, in the movie, Tarzan tells us exactly what they are: Mangani.

"Mangani" is a fictional species of ape invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs for the original Tarzan novels.

Send her to the snakes!


Apparently you're 12 or don't understand how to use Google because most of those things can be explained within the context of the story.


15. Stampeding animals will take care to follow directions from the black guy cohort directing them.

16. Such stampeding animals are able to make concrete/stone buildings collapse by running through them.
