MovieChat Forums > Los abrazos rotos (2010) Discussion > (SPOILER) Question about the end of the ...

(SPOILER) Question about the end of the film (SPOILER)


If Ray X didn't crash his car into Harry's car, who was the person who was driving the other car when both vehicles crashed?

Si Ray X no chocó su coche contra el coche de Harry, ¿Quién estaba conduciendo el otro coche cuando chocaron ambos vehículos?



Pues no se explica, pero se entiende que es un sicario contratado por Martel padre... digo yo; pq creo q el filme deja bastante q desear desde el punto de vista del guión...


I think that the film leaves the spectator with the doubt. You can think that it was Ernesto the father, but you can also think that it was just an accident, a funny coincidence.

I agree with you about the script, Vilpolanski. Besides, all Almodóvar films are starting to look the same to me. It's always a story that starts like a mistery or a hidden secret between several people and gets unveiled throughout the film. There are many situations that are needlessly overdramatic, and lately all his films are getting far too Penélope-centered. In my opinion, Almodóvar is a filmmaker that does never leave his 'comfort zone'. I don't think that Almodóvar's films are bad, but I'm not wild about them.


I don't care much about the over dramatic scenes in Almodóvar's movies; it just the way his cinema is (over the top). But I think "Broken Embraces" is a slight dissapointment. Pure cinematic mixed with a simple plot with some weak dialogues.
I can't find the brilliant, complex and genuine dramatism of "Volver" or "All about my mother" in this pic. As I stated in my review...


mmm... más bien es un simple accidente. Martel no mandaría a su hijo a espiar y paralelamente a un sicario a matarlos mientras su hijo lo filma todo en vídeo. Almodóvar deja cosas al juicio del espectador, lo que es de agradecer. Personalmente, pienso que Los Abrazos, a pesar de un comienzo un poco lento, se convierte en una de las películas mejor dirigidas y escritas de Pedro, y desde luego de las más interesantes temáticamente. Es mejor que "La Mala Educación", casi tan buena como "Todo sobre mi madre" - quizás a su altura.

Creo que buena parte de la mala recepción es culpa del hastío de Penélope Cruz hasta en la sopa debido a la campaña de promoción de Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Pero Penélope vuelve a estar de Oscar en "Los Abrazos Rotos", mal que les pese a algunos.

Creo que esta película va a ir mejor en USA que en España - ya le pasó a todos los Almodóvares desde "Todo Sobre Mi Madre", la única de la última década que ha triunfado en España en todos los niveles, al mismo nivel que fuera.


La Mala Educación NO funcionó en EE UU... Directamente, pasaron de ella. Está claro que el status de Almodóvar le permite estrenar tranquilamente en EE UU todos sus filmes, pero luego está el ruido q genere su cinta, de cara a los premios, y La mala Educación pasó de largo.

Los abrazos está muy bien dirigida, pero el guión es muy flojito...


Entre otros premios norteamericanos, "La mala educación" recibió el de mejor película extranjera del círculo de críticos de Nueva York -una de las más importantes asociaciones de críticos- y fue nominada al Independent Spirit Award en la misma categoría. Así que yo diría que no "pasaron de ella".

(Among other honours in the US, "Bad education" was awarded best foreign language film by the New York Film Critics Circle, and was nominated in the same category by the Independent Spirit Awards. So the film was not just ignored there).

And those who argue that Almodovar's work is getting too "Penélope centered", let me just remind you that they have just made 4 movies together in 12 years, a period during which he has directed 6 films. Plus, Penélope only has a starring role in two of them, "Volver" and "Los abrazos rotos". Her role in "Live flesh" is a cameo one (about five minutes of screen time) and in "All about my mother" she is supporting. There was no hint of her in "Talk to her" and "Bad education". To me, this doesn't seem like an overwhleming presence in his filmography.



¿Y quién rompe las fotos? Cuando Blanca Portillo va al apartamento a recoger las cosas, ya se las encuentra rotas.

And who rips up the pictures? When Blanca Portillo goes to the appartment to pick up the stuff, she already finds the pictures broken.


The ripped pictures is the only thing that leaves the public think that Ernesto Martel had something to do with the car accident, because his son had no reason to rip the pictures. I do prefer to think that Ernesto set the accident, cause to explain just by casualty makes the screenplay even worse than it alredy is.


Laubur, nobody knows about NYFC awards, outside USA. So, yEs BAd Education was completely ignored and built no buzz whatsoever.

Broken Embraces it has better potential, but is plain and simple and simple an unsatisfactory movie.


Ok, that makes sense. Ernesto Martel planned the accident, and the same night, with Mateo in hospital, he checked their room and broke the photographs full of anger. The days passed, and Mateo never stepped the hostal again (Famara). But the bill was paid by Judith, who found those pics in the bin, while Mateo was at the beach.
When Judith found those pics, she realised that Martel had been there and planned the accident, so everything is her fault, cause later she confess she gave Famara's telephone number to Martel. When Judith confess all that stuff on the cafe, she says:

Judith: I can´t help to think that maybe if I wouldn't have given Famara's number to Martel, nothing bad could have never happened.
Mateo: Why do you think so?
Judith: (scared face and nervous voice) I dont know, bad conscience i guess.
Mateo: Stop that, 14 years of bad conscience are enough.

SO SHE WAS HIDING THE TRUTH AGAIN, she never told and she will never tell Mateo that it was not a casualty accident. (In some part of the movie, she says to her son, that she can't lie, she just can hide the truth) (when confessing to her son that Mateo is his father)

So, when in another part, Mateo asks to Diego "What are you doing?", Diego says: "Im trying to repair some of your photographs", maybe Mateo doesn't know about those pics, maybe Diego found them on a drawer and Mateo would never picture out how many pics there are over the table.
Anyway, this last thing is complicated to believe.

What do you think?
