an undeveloped melodrama with good characters
a lot of times when i'm watching a movie I can sense that the movie has got me. i feel like it's pulling me in. in a great movie i'm there the whole time, a bad movie never gets me once. this movie had me really invested most of the time but somewhere towards the end it completely lost me. i liked mateo's character, i liked diego, i liked lena, i liked the different relationships that were being explored. it felt like melodrama, but fun. plus it was beautiful to look at.
towards the end all the investment fell flat and i was left with nothing but the melodrama. it must have been the scene where judit overacts horribly and in one of the best examples of melodramatic soap opera schlock babbles on exasperatingly explaining the "crazy plot twist" while she chugs a gin and tonic. so bad. and guess what diego? he's your dad! no way he's my dad? crazy! i have to finish "girls and suitcases" cue 10 minutes of the end of girls and suitcases...great movie dad, it's hilarious! i'm peeing my pants its sooooo funny! these girls found some cocaine! oh, and ernesto jr. didn't cause the crash! i think he still wants to erase his dad's legacy though...but lets finish this awesome movie about the cocaine suitcases which is a hilarious laugh riot by the way! end of movie. annnnnd....i'm completely baffled by the mediocrity of this movie.
seriously ridiculous ending. and please don't attack me for being a philistine that doesn't get almodovar. i get it.