Drug scene

Can someone please explain to me what happened?
If I understood correctly - guy rubs a bit of ecstasy on the gums (licks it?), then takes a few sips of GHB and immediately OD's.
If that's the case, isn't that scenario absurdly exaggerated?


it says later in the film he has allergies but the doctors were unsure what at the time. whatever is in GHB could be something he is allergic to


That sounds logic. Thank you for the explanation.


ghb shouldn't be mixed with alcohol, so maybe he had a drink or two and then accidentally sipped some ghb


I'm not a master about drugs, but in the film they say he fainted because he mixed GHB with MDMA. He took this MDMA but drank from the other guy's glass, who was using GHB.


As much as I liked the film I must say that scene is totally unecessary and implausable. It is completely forced and it seems that he uses it as means of letting us know that, despite the subjects of his latest films, he has not grown old and is able to portray youth. It turns out to be the exact opposite and it is ridiculous unecessary.


The only thing that could make sense is if he "OD" because he's allergic to GHB. It happens WAY too fast to be an OD caused by the mix of MDMA, Alchool and GHB. It's almost instant lol...


Typeiv, thanks for you post. It might be true "that scene is totally unecessary and implausable" but if so, it's not immediately clear that this is a problem with the movie. Almodóvar loves using themes and aesthetics from telenovelas and silly movies. His movies are filled with the unnecessary and implausible, and that's part of his charm.

I have no idea if GHB and MDMA have this effect, and if there's an error, perhaps the director slipped up, or perhaps he's inserting a joke into the movie that young clubbers will catch but their squarer elders would miss. That would be a very Almodóvar touch.

