References and parallels to Hitchhcock' Vertigo'
There are many references to other films in Almodovar's movie. Mainly the semi-autobiographical references to the making of "Woman on a Verge of a Nervous Breakdown" but also Hitchcock's films.
The movie opens with strong references to Vertigo. Starting with characters:
Inhibited male: Harry / Mateo [blinded] = John / Scottie [vertigo]
Overlooked accessible female: Judit = Midge / Judy
Controlling schemer and industrialist: Martel = Elster
Femme fatale: Lena = Madeleine
Less obvious is the blonde in the opening scene.
In Vertigo, there is the rooftop chase, the secondary purpose of which seems partly to be to provide some action before a long indoor verbal introductions by the central characters. Who the police were chasing and why they are taking high risks? How did Scottie get down from the roof?
The original Broken Embraces script had Harry pursuing the blonde on a street. Afterwards the main players are introduced in long exposition in Mateo's home. The blonde is not properly explained. Did she contrive the meeting? Why did she accede to his advances?
Later in the movies:
A concierge fails to identify a resident due to them staying under a known alias.
Both femme fatales, not the male leads, meet a premature end.
There is an emotive pivotal scene on a beautiful windswept coast.