Yes, what about the people walking through the park, under the bridge? It comes and goes so quickly, but I did wonder how that fit in.
Like some other scenes, it fades in and out like someone opening and closing their eyes. It turns out to be the view from Harry/Mateo's window! Just look at the way way this trailer is edited -
Does it mean he can see, if only now and then? And here's me just arguing all the reasons why he was definitely blind LOL
As for the people opening the door - the point here is that we're left wanting more. It's enough to know that Girls & Suitcases is going to turn into a good movie after all and that Harry/Mateo will be able to show Lena in a good light. If Almodovar didn't end it there, it would have started to take over the main feature.
But as someone has responded, there is a way of finding out who they are, plus the extras on the DVD are worth watching. Plus it's time to see Women on the Verge again!
Was she pregnant? Maybe. I thought she was just ill after all those hours with a man she has grown to hate and never felt attracted to. She was literally suffocating under him and the sheets.
I think the photos were ripped up by Martel Sr or one of his henchman. Judit had dropped a clue where to find them, Martel Jr went out to follow them, but Martel Sr or someone he hired was driving the vehicle which killed Lena (though some say it was Judit!). So whoever knew exactly where they stayed (Martel Sr, Martel Jr or mmmmaybe Judit) had gone in and destroyed the photos (but I think only Martel Sr had the motive).
What's ironic of course is that they left behind the photo of the two strangers standing on the beach, which is the one Lena herself said was the one they was most like them, a pair of lovers stood alone, buffetted by the wind and surf, with only each other for support.