
A film made by Disney showing the damaging effects of corporation. Disney are one of the biggest corporations in the world?


It's about the damaging effects of dumping and poor waste management, so it is not hypocritical unless Disney contributes to the problem. Maybe they do, I don't really know, but if you're going to accuse Disney of hypocrisy then give me some statistics or other forms of evidence showing that they pollute the earth.







One man's 'hypocrisy' is another man's 'refreshing lack of interference in editorial content'.

Even if you wish to believe that Disney are hissing villains of the corporate world, and responsible for unspeakable environmental harm, is it not a good thing that they are seemingly content to have an anti-damaging-mega-corporate message built into a film they release...that they accept that intelligent alternative views have validity and deserve to be heard?

I wish the same could be said of, say, Fox News, which ensures that every viewpoint expressed in a good - or even neutral - light on their channel toes the 'party line'. Which makes them, ironically, the true inheritors of the Soviet tradition.

You could, of course, take the opposite view, and say that while Fox are always seamlessly true to their beliefs, Disney are cynically exploiting a zeitgeist they do not agree with for purely financial reasons. The choice is yours - personally I rather like powerful people who let others make their own minds up instead of just dictating to them!


A film made by Disney

This is a film made by Pixar not Disney


A film made by Disney

This is a film made by Pixar not Disney

Uhrrrrr who do you think owns Pixar, genius?


The film is more a critique of societies over reliance on technologies to make their lives easier then a criticism mega corporations.



"release the kraken"


I don't necessarily think so.
In the end it's a love story, the big message behind it is not how about we should change the world.
That's something you'd say about Avatar.


I see this film more as critique over dumping and relying on technology to much.
Tough it's definitely a love story above anything else.


I see it as robots triumph over adversity and find true love.


There's nothing unusual about a movie studio making a movie that sends a message the studio itself might not be heeding. Regardless, it's a good movie and I'm proud to be showing it to my movie group Saturday.

Old age isn't for sissies--Bette Davis


I think your point is invalid. You're treating a company as a monolithic entity, when really it's made up of hundreds of independent people who are guaranteed not to share the same opinions about everything.

astrolupine: even with makeup, you can't make an actor's face look like a chair


I think it is relevant to today. We rely too much on technology and that is taking over the world. Yes, it can be a good thing and has helped us develop medicines to save lives, etc; but it has also caused us to become lazier. We are more sedentary and becoming overweight. We are not as smart as we used to be. Everything has to be "bigger and better." This can cause more waste too. This film was their view of what we could look like in 700 years if we continue to do nothing.

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch--Remember Me


Yes blackberry babe ! I do e-mail but on a computer sometimes. I do not own a cell phone and never will ! I have never owned or wanted a car ! I am a progressive environmentalist singer and nutritionist. Less technology everyone ! Connect with others everyday and hugs too !

