
She really is a diamond character. Probably my favourite after Nessa.
Love the way Bryn said of her "she's a playa" to that guy who fancied her. And the way she said to the guy chasing her "we were never exclusive!"

And of course the way she infers her sexual interest in Gavin without any other characters noticing.

When she said to Gwen "I absolutely twatted truth be told" or something like that I was wetting myself!

"What are you looking at, ya hockey puck?"


I totally agree...she's my favorite next to Nessa and she never fails to have me howling...she looks so sweet but she's so naughty...brilliant woman!!!

"I'll wear my bikini" ...that beach episode...poor Gav

Does my bum look big as The Master?


Doris is incredible.

This woman's genius can be summed up by: There Is A Llight That Never Goes Out


"She'll say "Oh Doris, wheres the salad?!" and I'll say "Oh fatty, wheres my cash?!" "


Doris is immense. Probably my favourite after Nessa.

"I want to do bad things with you"


She's brilliant in High Hopes as well. I don't know if it was shown outside Wales, but, that was pretty funny in an old fashioned way, though not in the league of G&S

Life isn't a rehearsal, so make this one your best performance

