Just bought Series 3

this morning, in Tesco's. It only cost £10. Tidy!

I'm in Reading. It might be worth looking in a shop near you, to see if they have it too. Going to try and watch the whole series this weekend.

I lost my job
What? Why?... Not the Phantom Menace?


Series 3 is not released until Monday 7th Dec.?!?!?!?


I know, that's why I was so surprised to see it. And v. cheap too. I think someone in my local Tesco messed up and put it out too soon. They tend to do that in my local branch, not just with DVD's but books and CD's too.

I lost my job
What? Why?... Not the Phantom Menace?


What so they're releasing the entire series before it's even been on tv?


I ordered from play.com and it arrived today - I am sitting down to watch them all now....I cant wait!!!


wtf?! They've only broadcast 2 episodes.


Just looked it up. I'm not gonna lie to you. it's on Amazon here http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002I61NFU?ie=UTF8&tag=dyingmon oling-21&link_code=as3&camp=2506&creative=9298&creativ eASIN=B002I61NFU

Now I don't want anyone here to get raped, including myself. But I feel that the BBC just raped us of our license fees. I only watch about 3 shows on it and now I can get the DVDs before they even air?!


I've come back because I'm still outraged by this! I can't imaging how mad I'd be if I paid the license fee and not my mum. I feel like moving out and not having a TV just to stick it to the BBC Nazis.


yip, the bbc are nazis about license fees, anyone with a license can tell you of the harrasment even they get having a license. Still i have to pay it and i still went out and bought the blu ray today. Spent the night watching them after a hard exam today so was a nice little treat.


Not just you who's annoyed, by the looks of it

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1234032/BBC-slammed-relea sing-Gavin--Stacey-DVD-finished-TV-run.html

I lost my job
What? Why?... Not the Phantom Menace?


Bought it in Tesco for £10, never known a dvd to be sold before being on TV but wanted to watch it but very disappointed with ending....an anticlimax very sad


Thought it was a very predictable series but didnt think the ending was disappointing.
How else did you think it was going to end?
All in all, a brilliant show






From that article: "A BBC Worldwide spokesman said it wanted to cash in on the 'Christmas gifting season' to make a profit for the BBC, 'which will benefit the licence fee payer'."

I have no problem with this. It's a good thing for the BBC to make money and I think it was a great idea.
