Great show but......

Was just watching the boxset and the first 2 episodes everything happens so quiick, to quick,They met for the first time in episode 1 and in episode 2 at the end he asks to marry her, woulda much preffered to see the show move slower, woulda been cool to see the relationship move along slower, maybe to do that they would of had to make 3/4 series, and they didnt wanna do what old comedy shows did like Fools and Horses going on for years and years with 7 series

Also woulda liked to have seen more of Smithy maybe out on the pull or like ep 1 having nights out with Gavin, but episode to episode they go from meeting to getting married in what seems like seconds...



Oh, OP, I won't lie to you, at the end of the day, you need to learn to spell.

'Man cankles!!.......MANKLES!!'


The writers originally intended the whole show to be a two-hour special, then they were asked to stretch it to a whole season. The fact that it lasted 3 seasons is only because it was so popular.

“The dove pursues the griffin, the mild hind
Makes speed to catch the tiger!”
--Billy Shakespeare


actually they had known each other for a long time they met online then they would talk on the phone. The first episode is them meeting in person.


I don't think they did meet online I think it was just through phonecalls at work.


The chemistry is so great between the 2 leads I had not much problem with how fast they took things.
