So inconsistent with the 1982 film!!!
Sure, this movie aint very good. But my big gripe is that it's meant to be a tie-in with the 1982 film, yet is completely different...almost like the filmmakers didn't even watch the 1982 film! Here's some of the biggest inconsistencies:
1. The Thing acts VERY different. In 1982, the thing is slow, calm, calculated, and intelligent enough to not assimilate obvious people like Clark, even if he'd be an easy target. the Thing also takes hours before assimilating, like with the dogs or Clark, who was alone with the dog-thing for 90 minutes and remained safe. There's a reason why Carpenter used chess as a metaphor for The Thing. MEANWHILE, in 2011, The Thing is a loud, bombastic, illogical retard that rampages and reveals itself for NO REASON. Less chess, more a Call of Duty online match. The Thing tries assimilating Kate after it's been alone with her for a whopping 20 seconds, and randomly kills itself on the helicopter by pointlessly revealing itself.
2. The Thing sabotaging the blood banks in the 1982 film sets up the idea that the Thing has had experiences with blood tests and knows it will be used against it again in the future. That, or it has magical eavesdropping powers and overheard of Mac and Copper's conversation from a mile away. Well, there's no blood test scene in the 2011 film, or anything having to do with testing blood at all, so I guess the latter was right?
3. In the 1982 film, the dog-thing at the start of the film clearly got a huge head start on the helicopter. They state the Norwegian and American base are about 35-40 miles apart, and the dog-thing is almost to the American base when the copter catches up to it. There's also a huge mountain range that's literally the first frame of the film, which the dog-thing would've had to scale down. BUT, in 2011, the dog-thing gets MAYBE a 30-second head start on the Norwegians, but somehow manages to gap them by several miles. So did that dog-thing sprint at the speed of sound and then slow down when the copter found it???
4. In the 1982 film, we clearly see the Norwegians use thermite charges to blow the spaceship out of the ice, yet there's no mention of that in the 2011 film. Instead, the ship is, like, in some cavern? And then Kate uses its engines to melt the ice from above. Did they miss the scene in the 1982 film where we WATCH the Norwegians blow the ship out of the ice?
5. In the 2011 film, the Split-Face is clearly charred and burned, yet in the 1982 film, it's still very fleshy. Its faces are also on the wrong side in the 2011 film. Hmm, that and the Split-Face looks completely different in the two movies, like two separate creatures from separate movies. Makes you wonder if they used ANY reference photos when designing the 2011 version of Split-Face. But hey, they got the bloody axe in the wall that Mac and Copper later find, because THAT is what really matters!
They really should've just made this a remake, because it being a prequel hurts the film more than propels it. These filmmakers and producers clearly wanted to do their own ideas and interpretations, even if they strayed greatly from the 82 film, and they probably just should've.