This movie is not terrible. Compared to the remakes that were coming out during that era, especially stuff made by Platinum Dunes, this one is actually pretty good and towards the top of that crop. Its biggest issue is that it is asking to be compared to one of the greatest films of all time and it simply cant compete.
Carpenter is a million times a better director than Matias Van Heineken. The 1982's atmosphere, musical score, pacing, editing, etc all blow the 2011's efforts out of the water. The cinematography of the 82 film still looks breathtaking, compared to this shakycam mess where it looks like it was shot by Michael J Fox. Also, the continuity is atrocious. Why does the thing just attack people at random when it's very calm and calculated in the 82 film? How did the dog scale and entire mountain range in the span of 5 minutes? Not to mention; very bad CGI in some parts (the helicopter split-face was SyFy channel levels of awful), while the practical effects from 1982 still look excellent even 40 years later.
It's a solid 6/10. Not bad on its own. But it fails as a companion piece to the 82 film, which is basically how the filmmakers are begging you to view it.