jesse annoys me so bad

every time i rewatch this show, jesse annoys me so bad. gilligan basically used jesse as a plot device to create conflict for the genius walter white but they reused him too many times. i guess without jesse, walter could never make a mistake. jesse is so easily manipulated and is basically the cause of the primary conflict for all their problems after season 2. the least gilligan could've done was not end the story with jesse betraying walt after all he did for jesse. it's so annoying to see the idiot fumble around and get manipulated by everyone.


I loved Jesse! I never got tired of his "bitch" comments.

My favorite line when he was wheeled outside at the hospital and started to smoke... the nurse tells him he can't smoke within 16 feet of the building.

Jesse: Then roll me further, bitch!


Honestly, both Jesse and Walt were annoying to me. Not all the time of course. But in certain moments/episodes.

Too much overblown anger that seemed out of place. So unnecessary as to appear completely irrational. Reminded me of countless characters and moments from old LOST episodes. But the emotional explosion was the shortcut needed to get from here to there so the writers used it for both shows.

Still a great show, my own personal qualms aside.


what were some walt overblown anger moments?
