It's been five years...

Is anyone getting fonder of the "Hobbit" movies with time? Has anyone learned to forgive their faults and appreciate whatever good stuff there is?

I mean, it could happen, the Star Wars prequels have come up in fan estimation over the years, although of course they aren't as bad as PJ's Hobbit movies.


the hobbit is the best and the five army movie is a convoluted mess. I think PJ just ran out of ideas by the last movie.


I actually never had that much of a problem with them. The first was definitely the best out of the three (except for Smaug, Smaug was great!). I just don't like what they did with the elves, which was in the later films anyway.


The first one is a really good movie IMO, The second is also pretty great but the whole tauriel/kili crap was unnecessary, the third is a mess.


I liked them from the beginning.


If you've actually read The Hobbit, I'd say it's between difficult to impossible to enjoy the bloated, ponderous and too-often dull three-film version of it. Above the title on my copy of The Hobbit is a scroll that reads, "The Enchanting Prelude to The Lord of the Rings," and that is a perfect description. The Hobbit is about 200 pages long. The three volumes of LOTR are well over 1,000 pages--yet both of Jackson's movies have the same screen time. He is presenting The Hobbit not really as a prelude but instead a sequel--not a temporal sequel, but (he hoped) a box-office sequel. He crams in all kinds of stuff in terms both of events and characters that were not in the book, and none of it helps. He turns what had been a streamlined and charming narrative into a Transformers movie. If you've not read the book and you like Jackson's version, there's nothing wrong with that and more power to you. I can't.


I’ve read The Hobbit (and Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion) many times. I understand the complaints and I agree that stretching The Hobbit into a trilogy when two films would have worked better was a mistake. But I love seeing Middle Earth brought to life on the screen, and PJ does a brilliant job of that. The performances were also very good, especially the leads.


I have read the books and like the movies. They are different things.


I bailed after the first one...i guess ill try agin sometime
The story didnt need 9 hrs though...


Your second point is correct, and I don't even recommend that you watch two more of the damn things out of curiosity.

They're just badly made films.


Thx...prolly good advice:)


I walked out after 20 minutes of an unexpected journey but am about to watch them at home (at the price of my time). Let's see what an actual effort brings.


No , no and no.

The other 2 "no" are for your absurd statements about the wretched SW prequels.


No they’ve sullied my enjoyment of Lord of the Rings, I watched Fellowship recently for the first time in years and whenever they mentioned an event in the Hobbit Trilogy such as Bilbo’s trolls my thoughts went back to those crap movies. I didn’t bother watching Two Towers after that.


I find I hate these even more as time goes on.
