There have been several films now about the IFC and its members. Was the IFC really that strong and feared?

Also, the film says the IFC disbanded and had a reunion. Does West Ham still have a firm and do fights before/after matches still occur?


Yes it still happens and to correct you its icf not ifc. Icf stands for inter city firm



The inter city firm were quite a formidable force back in the day, nowadays football firms can't do f-ck all.

Always have the wannabes who think they're Gary Oldman in The Firm hanging about in the stands though, but they're just kids who spent too much time watching Green Street.

Men are guilty of all the good they do not do.


Did you watch the West Ham farewell Boleyn documentary? I need to see where I can find as I live in the US.

Hammer the Swans!!!

I can't hear you over the volume of my hair.
