The Colouring. Too flourescent.

The bright colours seem to be far too flourescent. The greens & yellows especially. It was a bit too distracting, even though the film is hyper real, the colours just seemed to be over the top. It didn't look natural. Not in a Kodachrome/Tears of the Black Tiger style, but more in a glitzy Hype Williams videoclip style.

Was the film shot in HDV & therefore the RGB was enhanced somehow in post-production?
I wished it was just muted a little bit.

I'm sure it'll jump off the screen on the Plasma's at home.

Film was good fun. Not the classic it could've been, but a fun watch.
A cross between Raiders of the Lost Ark, Mad Max 2, Azumi & obviously The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.


It's not supposed to be natural, that's the whole point. The film is ultra stylized, it looks awesome.

Well... That's just like my opinion, man.


I agree...for example the eagle in the beginning flying over the desert looked cool.


I'm not quite sure what is stylized about this film (if you discard "Bad's" haircut). The cinematography, for one, was very bland. The action scenes where for the most part also very mundane, choppy and somewhat clumsy.


The cinematography and art direction are amazing. No problems with the coloring here.
