OK for a 12 yr old?

What do you think of this for the 12/13 yr old set?

we may catch in NYC next week if it seems ok...

Many thanks!


I wish I could recommend it, but not for a 12/13 year old... some of the violence is pretty brutal/intense.


Bull! It's definitely OK for a 12 yr old. It's just the kind of movies I enjoyed best when I was 12.


I'd say it's ok for a more mature 12 year old. There is violence but there's plenty of excitement and some really funny scenes too.



Bull! It's definitely OK for a 12 yr old. It's just the kind of movies I enjoyed best when I was 12.

You watched Samurai Cowboy movies when you were only 12? Respek! https://youtu.be/Vqtg_JFGh6I


It's fine. Just a lot of shooting and killing. Little blood, no sex or nudity. No swearing, but it'd be in Korean anyways.


No. It's too violent for kids: it involves scenes of torture, mass shootings, stabbings, etc.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)

