1. Troy Garity is completely devoid of charisma.2. Stephen Fry's accent was hilarious.3. They painted Eichmann as some kind of Hannibal Lecter type. 4. Eichamnn shooting a baby in his office. WTF? Talk about artistic license! "Halt mich fest ich werd verrückt"
Who know the name Eichmann, sure that has already read about him. The reasons are clear:- fake title: it's about not Eichmann's life, we can only see some incorrect scnenes from his nazi times, criss-cross, nothing chronology.- fake documentary: never existed questions from Avner Less and answers from Eichmann.- fake portay: he must be an absolutely evil, tipically nazi pattern.- fake privat life: nice jewish mistress - evil blonde mistress. Interesting.- fake "shooting a baby": like the historian David Cesarini call him "desk murderer" in his Eichmann book.
So you slept through writing class ... too bad as you seem to trying to make some decent points???