MovieChat Forums > Bride Wars (2009) Discussion > I Don't Like Labels Comment

I Don't Like Labels Comment

"Are you single?"


"Are you gay?"

I don't like labels

I thought that moment was pretty funny.

What's up with women going straight to the gay question? I feel like it's an insult.

Would you honestly want to be with a guy that wasn't completely straight? I know there are some bisexual women out there that would be fine with it but would a straight women be?


1) the quote was "are you straight."

2) a bisexual woman would like both men and women, how would that make her be fine with being with a gay man??

Team Harry:
I like my men emotionally disturbed, angsty, and magical.


It is rare but there are women that get extrememly "hot" for men that sleep with men ..... i donno why they like it but they do ..... i say straight women stick to the str8 or bi guys and leave the gay guys alone ! lol


I just assumed that she was drunk and wanted sex ASAP...

I'm not finished!
Oh yes you are Captain... I mean Fraulein.


Yup, I was pretty sure that the point was she was single and drunk at a wedding and wanted to find a guy without wasting her time on someone who wasn't interested. Don't think she asked it because she was fishing to see if he had every been with a man.

Although I do love the "I don't like labels" answer, totally awesome.


It is rare but there are women that get extrememly "hot" for men that sleep with men

It's not rare at all. Look up slash.



Well, she remarked earlier how her only criteria for which reception she would choose would be how many hot, single, straight guys there were.



What did he mean by "I don't like labels"? Every time I see that part my mom gets annoyed and says WTH does that mean, and I don't know what to tell her.

"The real world is for people who can't imagine anything better."


Pretty sure it was a reference to how many people believe most people can't be simply placed in a "gay" or "straight" box (google Kinsey scale). And that it is a little disconcerting to have someone come up to you and ask which you are.


Yeah, I feel that way too. Thanks

"The real world is for people who can't imagine anything better."


I just wish i could remember what part of the movie you are all talking about :) I don't remember that at all! I just came to see if anyone else thought Kate Hudson was wearing a wig, and the convo is just allll over the place :)


- The quote: "Are you Single?" -"Yes". "Are you gay?" - "No." is taken from the movie "P.S. I Love You" where Denise Hennessey asks men the same questions.


If someone said 'I'm not into labels' I would assume they were gay or bisexual.

I don't see why I would have a problem dating someone that wasn't 'completely straight' provided they weren't 'completely gay'.


I thought she was asking because if he had been gay, she didn't want to waste her time...she was trying to get laid!
