Emma's mother

Wearing her mother's dress was so important to Emma. I thought her mothers' reaction to seeing Emma wear her dress was weird. Emma is just glowing & proud to show her mother that she is wearing her dress & her mother just brushes it off 'you could wear a paper bag (or something), I don't care' Emma looked crushed when she said that.


I think Emma built it up in her head for whatever reason that her mother would be disappointed if she didn't wear her dress. This was part of Emma's problem, she cared too much what people thought or would think of her. Her mom probably made a comment one time during Emma's life that she kept the dress for her but she probably didn't mean to make it seem that Emma couldn't wear anything else.


I agree, I don't care what her mother thought, she should have at least acted enthused, not indifferent. Emma got beat down by everyone in this movie.
