Put on some coffee...

...if you're gonna watch this one. My lady fell asleep but I kept watching & waiting for the plot to develop. Since there was no resolution, I'd have to kick the rating down to Boring.
From other posts, I gather that this filmmaker made some other great films that I'm not aware of. However, standing alone, Capturing Mary is not very good. I kept saying to the screen, "Why doesn't she just tell that guy he's a sick *beep* and go away?" I mean, would you want to hang out with a person who dishes out horrid stories like that? And, if Joe realizes that Mary is sharing some awful memories, it seems sadistic of him to drag her back to the actual locations in the house.
Some analysts say that Greville was just a figment (then Liza was one too?); If so, how is this theory apparent from the film? Either way, the ending was totally unsatisfying for me.
