Leaving the survial shelter full of food and supplies??
Just watch The Road for the first time. I love post-apocalyptic movies. And overall I liked this movie. But, literally yelled outloud "what the hell?!" when the Dad decided to leave the survival shelter. In this world, that shelter would have been heaven. The absolute best thing you could ever hope for in this world. Shelter from the elements and other people (which also ticked me off at how they wasted food with huge meals, instead of rationing to make it all last). Food to last you at least 6 months, maybe a year if rationed out properly. If hidden well, it would be safe from roaming gangs. I mean, who is going to suspect something hidden underground? The could create a system of checking if anyone is around, using a make-shift telescope, before leaving the shelter to look for more food, go the bathroom and get more supplies. Basically, this was the best possible thing they ever could have hoped for to survive in this world. Even if it wouldn't be permanent, and could only last for a year or so, it would be infinitely better than roaming the wasteland with death at any moment. So with this almost utopian (in this bleak world it would be), the Dad decides to leave it because he heard something up above? When they went up, there was nothing there. So basically, they left safe shelter full of food and supplies, to wander to their most certain doom, for what? To further the plot? That's just bad story telling right there. I liked the movie, but this was a hard pill to swallow.