"Nine months with legs wrapped..blah.." makes no sense
First of all, how does she know her legs were wrapped around Sheldon?
Secondly, someone, again, supposedly INTELLIGENT, would have researched things instead of accepting the common truths at face value, and know that just like 'how many continents' does NOT have a solid answer despite the masses thinking it does, pregnancy being nine months long is NOT a fact, but a 'convenient speaking pattern' at best.
If you use a proper calendar, for example, the Chinese moon calendar, AND you start counting from the second of CONCEPTION, not from the day the woman notices her menstruation has paused, you get around ten months and ten days.
In fact, in Japan, _THIS_ is the 'common truth' - if you ask a japanese that hasn't had much exposure to the western countries how long a pregnancy usually is, you get the standard answer of 'ten months and ten days' without missing a beat, without questioning the validity of that statement at all, without even pausing to wonder if there could be some other viewpoint to this fact.
In reality, she should've realized the length of a pregnancy first of all fluctuates slightly, so it's never EXACTLY nine months anyway, and that viewpoints to HOW TO CALCULATE that vary quite a lot around the planet, so she ABSOLUTELY shouldn't be using that kind of 'textbook fact' as any kind of truth without elaborating on why she chose to spew that lie instead of telling the truth about it.
I would be happy if they had made her at least state that in her RESEARCHED understanding and experimental calculation of it, pregnancy can last anything from eight to over ten months, also depending on what kind of calendar is used.
(In my opinion, the Chinese moon calendar is WAY more truthful and accurate, because its month length doesn't arbitrarily and artificially vary, but also because it very specifically follows the movements of the moon, which is where even the word 'month' comes from - in japanese, the same kanji depicts moon and month, so why the fjord are we using some completely nature-lrrelevant, arbitrary Julian calenda, when we could be using something that actually tells us something about actual reality around us?)
In any case, this show makes me wonder if writers in hollyweird know ANYTHING. Why do they always write 'intelligent characters', if they don't even have the intelligence, research habits and knowledge of a half-brained swamp monster from the redneck Swamps of Moonshine Mutation?
In any case, these 'intelligent' characters make no sense, as they are SHOWN to be stupider than your lowest common denominator. Just watch 'Gen Z can't answer basic questions' videos - I HAVE to think those are faked, but people that stupid and ignorant must exist somewhere.