The whole show is a bit of mixed bag, but I noticed that at the end of season 2, there was something weird happening, and the season 3 suddenly began the 'romance crap' cycle that destroyed any and all 'realism' (such was it was), and made this show yet another super-unrealistic, crappy sitcom that's hard to watch.
The first two seasons are pretty much brilliant for the most part, really fun to watch, and the 'nerds-can't-get-women'-theme is strong.
Then suddenly EVERYONE pairs up (and especially with something obnoxious), and we enter the 'let's please women instead of making an innovative comedy show' era. Then it's suddenly not about 'nerds' anymore, but 'relationshíts', like all damn TV shows somehow HAVE to end up being. Sigh.
What human being (i.e. not 'woman') wants to watch endless drama about relationshíts? I could watch Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy argue and banter for 10 hours in a row, but watching all this typical soapy RS-drama would bore me to pain after 20 seconds, and after 2 minutes, I would be willing to jump out of a window just to avoid it.
How the HECK can anyone withstand this show until season 7??! You must have an iron stomach.