MovieChat Forums > The Big Bang Theory (2007) Discussion > The Cooper Extraction: Sheldon's laptop

The Cooper Extraction: Sheldon's laptop

This has always bugged me about this episode - at the end of the ep, Leonard makes a big deal out of showing Amy Sheldon's laptop, and that he has her set up as part of his screen-saver photo rotation. This is immediately after Sheldon had been skyping with Amy from Texas.

Whose computer was Sheldon using? I find it almost inconceivable that Sheldon wouldn't take his own computer with him on such a trip, so he could play games, work, etc. on the plane and, frankly, any other chance he could find to avoid being around his sister while she was giving birth.

I suppose he could have used Mary's or Missy's computer, or his phone to do the facetime thing, but even at that, I just can't believe he wouldn't take his laptop.

Do you think this is a continuity issue with the writers, or was Sheldon acting out-of-character?

Racket?!?!...That's Brahms!!...Brahms' 3rd Racket!!! - Basil Fawlty


I'd say continuity. My husband never travels without his laptop. Although I'd say that they will argue that the phones do all that stuff now, so there's no need to take a laptop...


No, I think it is just that writers will write whatever they want to suit the story they want to tell when they are telling it. There is continuity throughout the series to an extent, but only up to the point that it doesn't conflict with what TPTB want to do next.


Doesn't everybody have a travel laptop? An older one to travel with so you won't be to upset if it is lost or stolen.


I hadn't thought of him having a second computer. Perhaps he pulled one out of the Storage Locker of Shame.

Racket?!?!...That's Brahms!!...Brahms' 3rd Racket!!! - Basil Fawlty


Amy was video-chatting with Sheldon using a tablet on her side, not a laptop. But it seems likely that she does also have a laptop. So maybe Sheldon has a tablet too, and took THAT with him.


I'm not so sure Sheldon would embrace tablets.


I'm not so sure that Mary would embrace Wi-Fi. Therefore a laptop would be pointless at the Cooper homestead so a tablet would be the only viable means of communication via videochat.


"I hadn't thought of him having a second computer."

I have 14 computers (or similar devices).

You honestly hadn't thought of someone like _SHELDON_ having a SECOND computer? In real life, he would have at least five to six for different purposes.

Sheldon has multiple operating systems, lots of old consoles, we know of Gamecube, PS2, Wii, XBox, etc.

Why or HOW the heck would he NOT have more than one computer? It blows my mind that there are people that can think that way.. you hadn't THOUGHT of him having a second computer?

It never even crossed my mind that it was POSSIBLE to not think of Sheldon having more than one computer.


In an episode that I just saw again, Sheldon has an iPad. He also has a bunch of things that he can play games on.
