MovieChat Forums > The Big Bang Theory (2007) Discussion > Sheldon drank energy drinks before

Sheldon drank energy drinks before

Several times over the course of this show Sheldon drank Red Bull (looked like product placement).
Just saying.


Yeah, I was thinking about that. Also when he was going to prank Kripke as revenge for the helium-prank Kripke pulled on him he was drinking Mountain Dew, and unless I'm mistaken, Mountain Dew contains quite a lot of caffeine. And I'm sure there are more examples where Sheldon drank something containing caffeine.

I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand


Absolutely correct. Although this one must have been a really kick butt energy drink.


Penny: Honey, do you want some coffee?
Sheldon: No, I don’t drink coffee.
Penny: Come on, but if you don’t stay awake we’ll never finish in time.
Sheldon: I’m sorry, coffee’s out of the question. When I moved to California, I promised my mother that I wouldn’t start doing drugs.


Sheldon (entering dressed as The Flash): Zoom, zoom, zoom! Where’s the coffee?

I big FART


This and his photographic memory that comes and goes are odd plot holes in the series


"This and his photographic memory that comes and goes"

It would be nice if continuity existed somewhere, but alas, it really doesn't. Also, what is 'told us' never matches what is 'shown us'.

It's not photographic memory, it's 'idetic memory', by the way.

Sheldon forgets a lot of things in the course of this show, so his memory is not really that good - except 'on paper' (what we have been told is again in contradiction with what we are shown).

A couple of other examples inglude 'Q' in Star Trek and 'Beyonder' in 'Secret Wars' (I and II).

Both are supposedly 'omnipotent' beings, but they are CONSANTLY 'surprised' by this and that, and they're constantly 'not aware of (this or that)'.

This would be impossible with omniscience - they would be aware of everything all the time, they couldn't learn anything new, and their learning process, in any case, wouldn't be long and painstaking.

Q would be able to see the consequences of his actions 8 zillion years before he even thinks of doing anything, but yet terrible things happen to him a lot.

Q would know exactly how everyone would react to his 'gifts', way before the TNG episode even begins. But nope.. omnipotent and omniscient on paper, but not in actual reality.

So in all these cases (and many more), we're always TOLD something is something (like 'Q is omnipotent'), but we're SHOWN that something is DEFINITELY not something ('Beyonder is DEFINITELY not omniscient').

It's so disappointing, but it has to do with the limited, boxlike 'imagination' (such as it is) of all these hired writers and 'artists'.

After all, they do it all for a paycheck, nothing more.


Yes, but it sure was funny with The Flash as the pusher by the vending machine.


And The Flash's jab at DC there right before he left?


Yeah, I seem to vaguely recall some association he's made about drinking Red Bull while playing Dungeons & Dragons.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.
