Are there no real heroes?
The people involved with these kinds of crimes are the lowest forms of life on the planet. How can they simply abuse these girls, in a group like that? I'm completely lost on the cowardice of these men.
The people involved with these kinds of crimes are the lowest forms of life on the planet. How can they simply abuse these girls, in a group like that? I'm completely lost on the cowardice of these men.
It boils down to one thing: money. If one has lived in poor conditions for an entire life, struggling to even get food on the table, then if you are faced with earning lots of money keeping a stable of whores, then few would say no. That's the same dehumanization that occur in war zones.
We are all ourselves closest. Not a defence, but an explanation.
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Well, there are "heroes", like the main character in this movie; however, heroes in real life, rarely, if ever, gain the spotlight. Instead, the lame-stream media, HW, substitute a$$wh@le whores for the people to worship. Like rudy giuliani, who is a complete dirtbag. Meanwhile, the true "heroes" aren't even allowed to attend 9/11 celebrations and are left to suffer and die from the fallout.
shareSome men are weak and just abide by their superiors.
shareThe hero of the story was a hero, don't you think? I'm sure in real life she had help as well. In the movie there's one particular cop who helps her as well as a couple of exec's such as Redgrave and Strathairn's characters. Again these characters are amalgamations of real people doing real heroic acts. Similarly the villains are dramatic depictions.
If you're wondering why it had to be a woman who blew this open, I might suggest that it had something to do with the fact that she was the one who's job it was to investigate this sort of thing. If it had been a man in the same position he may have done the same.
Nobody is heroic all the time. But people do remarkable things. Heroic things. It happens. It happened in this case, so I'm not sure where your notion comes from.
"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."
I don't think I would call the men who kidnapped the girls 'cowards'. Cowards flee from danger, cowards do not concoct rather bold and elaborate schemes that can have both great benefit and danger to themselves.
I don't like using the term 'evil' that much, but the villains in this are just about as straight-up example of evil as you can get in this world. They're not cowards, they're cold, calm, calculating evil mother&@#%s showing no empathy for their fellow human beings.
This movie was a disturbing wake up call that people like that exist, and that they can operate and destroy lives and worst of all that our own society can turn a blind eye.
They are cowards they are trafficking helpless woman..if they were not cowards they would have tried trafficking full grown men LOL..seriously!! what are you some sort of closet abuser like these men...that is why you felt the need to defend them a little.
They are doing this because they think they wont get caught they have money they think all we have to do is get kidnap some girls then make money of them and then we have the cops and UN in our pockets then no one can touch us.
Its sheer greed for money and the power If you have power a coward also will act brave like he will mess with someone on the street for no reason if he had the money to own cops a gun and an army of goons. that is not bravery cause even a pussy could do that.