MovieChat Forums > Deadgirl (2013) Discussion > Shag carpet pubic hair?

Shag carpet pubic hair?

This was obviously just some fake fur glued on her pelvic region. Not real pubes. But why? To get around the censors? Or because the actress playing Deadgirl shaves and couldn't grow her real pubes out in time?


Perhaps that's just how it looks after not having been washed in god knows how long.


There may be various reasons:

1) Get around strict censorship to avoid an NC-17 rating.

2) Stay within the limits of the actress' nudity clause.

3) Give the actress a measure of privacy, so her outer labia is not exposed.

4) The actress no longer had much pubic hair due to electrolysis or repeated waxing and the director wanted a more natural look, as opposed to the porn-star variety.

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The man who cannot visualize a horse galloping on a tomato is an idiot - Andre Breton


Its the typical B.S. double-standard I've come to expect from the Hollywood studios and the corrupt MPAA. They NEVER allow us to see a clear view of a woman's genitalia in a mainstream R-rated movie. Several movies will show full male genitalia (pubic hair, penis, and testicles) but we can never see full female genialia.( pubic hair, labia, and vulva). The most they will allow us to see of a woman's nudity is her bush/pubic hair. Even when the plot clearly demands the actress to be fully nude and in a position where her vulva would be exposed, they use ridiculous camera angles, careful editing, and FAKE PUBIC HAIR (known as a "Merkin patch") to avoid showing any actual female genitalia. (the clitoris and vulva) It is a completely unfair and sexist double-standard! How come films like "Bruno" can show a close-up of a semi-erect penis swinging around and that gets green-lighted by the studios and passed with only an R-rating by the MPAA, but we can NEVER see a full shot of the labia/vulva in an R-rated mainstream film??! It is a conspiracy of censorship by the major studios (such as Universal, Sony, Paramount, etc) and the MPAA. Why can the full genitalia of men be seen in numerous Hollwood films but the full genitalia of women is forbidden? Some independent filmaker needs to challenge this asanine double-standard and put a clear shot of female genitalia in their film (a shaved vagina with no merkin patches to hide the labia or vulva!) and SUE THE MPAA FOR HAVING A SEXUALLY DISCRIMINATORY RATINGS POLICY if the MPAA tries to give the film an NC-17 rating.


I keep telling you, you total loser piece of *beep* those of us who have actually seen a woman's genitals in real life, don't really care about how Hollywood doesn't show vulva.

I mean it is a shame that you are so desperate for whack off material that you have to keep pounding this dead horse again and again.


I keep telling you, you total loser piece of *beep* those of us who have actually seen a woman's genitals in real life, don't really care about how Hollywood doesn't show vulva.

Aww, speak for yourself. I've seen my share and I think there's an exception to be made for celebrities. They're very special vulva of a particularly royal variety that we can't normally find in real life or porn. :-)


Are you joking or just a sexist idiot? Talk about sexism and double standards. Male nudity is shown in the teeny-tiniest percentage of movies for fear of grossing out homophobic and sex-crazed males who think they're somehow owed female nudity in approximately every single movie that exists.

How many movies with male nudity are there out there? Not many. Yet female nudity is in hundreds of movies, horror, romance, drama, or whatever genre you can think of. The plot NEVER EVER "clearly demands the actress to be fully nude and in a position where her vulva would be exposed". You're completely f--king retarded.

And then there's the logical explanation for your idiotic drivel. Male genitals go out, female ones go in.

And I'm not sure why I even bothered writing a response to this moronic garbage, since you're clearly either an immature, misogynistic assh*le who thinks all women exist to be sex objects, or a troll.


and a little bit more...

"Wang Chung or I'll kick your ass!"


I suppose it depends on whether you value quality or quantity, but if we're comparing quality, I don't think showing a woman's bush is of equal "quality' to fully exposed male genitalia. A more fair comparison might be if a guy had so much public hair that you can't see anything other than hair.


Woah now, where are all these penises when I'm looking for them? All I ever see is tits tits tits and tits in movies. Double standard, eh?


What, exactly, are you getting at? You need to be just a little more explicit, with more concrete examples. I have no idea what you're talking about.



A Jacqueline Susann book would call fake pubic hair merkins. Deadgirl's seems off the chain tho. And she's Asian right? I've never seen an Asian porn slut but I don't imagine they'd be that bushy. idk anybody who has mini pillow sized bush afro!


Because real women have pubic hair, porn stars and whores shave down there? I don't remember it looking fake but it makes sense that they wanted it to look like she had hair down there.


How could you not notice it? It was bigger than those crazy rearview mirror fuzzy dice!


It depends on which country in Asia. There are dozens upon dozens of cultures there. Asia isn't a country, it's a region. For example, Japanese women have famously hairy genitals, plus the fact that Japanese men who buy their porn prefer hairy women, which is why no Japanese porn stars shave. However Tibetans and Mongolian girls naturally lack ANY pubic hair whatsoever. But even still, Deadgirl's bush was more like a hunk of carpet that had been glued on her, making her whole appearance quite unrealistic.


I thought it was a bit awesome but then I grew up in the sixties and seventies when even playboy bunnies when they even could show the pubic region had some landing strips.


It was a fake. The DVD extras showed what it looked like and explained how they put it on her. They said it was supposed to look shaggy because it wasn't shaved in years?, but then why were her underarms and legs shaved?


Cos they'd been el... electro... electrolywhatever'd. Like, duh. You didn't get that?


I don't know what Asian porn you been watching, but Japanese men do NOT prefer hairy women. And MANY Japanese porn stars shave... And Japanese/Chinese/Korean women have very little pubic hair. It's very thin, sparse, and straight.



Porn is a bad indicator to look for any kind of clue about how women anywhere actually look down there in terms of shaved, trimmed or natural.

I can tell you that Japanese women who do not work in the erotic industry normally do not shave and do have quite a lot of hair down there.
If you ever go to Japan and visit an Onsen you'll see what I mean. It's unexpected and I was surprised at first but it's true.


I'm supposing you went to onsen in a rather rural area. The Tokyo women I've known certainly keep things trimmed and the Brazilian wax seems to be an increasingly popular trend (to my most pleasant surprise). Then again the girls I've known there in this regard were all of the club variety and I don't have a very large sample size to be making broad generalizations.


if you find some hair fetish porn, I'm sure that would depict an accurate "natural" state


You're 'supposing' wrong. I went to several Onsen and one of them was on Odaiba in Tokyo which can't be called a rather rural area.


Younger women, like 20s? I might also have some skew in my samples since most of the women I knew from Tokyo were club-going types. They tended to keep things pretty trim and neat.


I've never seen an Asian porn slut but I don't imagine they'd be that bushy.
Then you've definitely never seen one because they get pretty wild down there.


Shes not Asian she is Hispanic, you loons.


Back to the real point of the OP, that was the weirdest, most fake looking merkin I've ever seen (and I never miss a chance to see one). I can only guess it was done deliberately to make her look unnatural, supernatural, or something in that vein.


I like to think that she was trapped in the asylum since the 70s before they found her, placed looked well abandoned.


This conversation reminds me of Demi Moore's famous Penthouse photo shoot. Much discussion as to the authenticity of her garden.

So, to get back OT, I think the person who created Dead Girl made her his own fantasy come true. Whatever he wanted was what he gave her - he liked smooth legs and pits but a hairy woofer. Maybe he even attached a brunette Barbie doll his laptop, wore a bra on his head, threw a switch and - poof! - she appeared on the table, all ready to go. There seems to have been a bug in the program, though...

I've got two good posts in me and I just wrote my third...


The funny thing is not only were her armpits and legs shaved or waxed but her eyebrows were perfectly groomed. Not realistic, that her pubic hair would grow and the rest of her body hair wouldn't. She should also have a hairy upper lip as well.

She's not Asian or Hispanic either, she's Spanish.

What I found interesting is that she spends the entire film nude but Joann is modestly covered up when she takes her place in the end.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.
